Monday, December 25, 2006

the day before christmas..

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, December 25, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well haha......merry christmas to everyone~!!! well i just gonna post.... something i ate at dinner... which is in starhill gallery.... i kinda forget what the inn name... okay... now im gonna show u guys some pics

that is me =D

first dish salmon with fried cheese.. something like that...... best between all
this is the second dish... prawn.... pasta...some bitter vegetable... not very nice... yet.. not bad =D

lol... all the waiters/waitress got christmas spirit ler... wear those special hat and eh got light blinking 1.. =D
ok third dish.... some duck with some rice.. is not even rice... i guess is cheese... no idea.. =D

lasty... is ice creen with some kind of bread..... dam sorry.. i forget to take.. and eat already >.< LOL well i justl ike the ice cream in the inside...... (drinking my wine) okay.....i guess that's all the 4 dishes
ok then go down still got some sweet buffet.. well eat some strawberry.... chocolate.. and wahaha candy!!! =.="

ok that's all the bill is dam pretty..... get out from here.. we go down listen to the band..... then get out from starhill.. wow.... almsot 12 and woohooo MERRY X MAS WAHAHHA

haha that's all for today.... well i would like to wish my friends and family..... merry christmas!!! christmas is not about the present... is the time where u spent time wif your famaily... relative...!!! =D ok school gonna start... hope we have a good year start......guys.. pls enjoy now!! before it ends!!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, December 12, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, December 07, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

Then after the show we go toilet and took this pic .. Me and nick Haha lame .. Later we go ice skating for like 2 hours plus ? Untill 8 pm lol and this joey dude tech me alot of new moves man !! Wow ! Cant wait to show ! Then later we just went back that's it ... Lazy to type Haha .. Continue after my bloody com is back .. Bye !:-D


Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

Well dam sad i cant go online for like .... 5 days almost a week .. Thx god i got this phone to blog .. Ok well about today .. I went to pyramid .. Which i never expected .. Tze hao call me and i just go .. Too bored at home .. Well above pic is Tze hao , jun weng and winnie Haha i just love my phone ...acually not really .. Lol .. Ok then we went to kin gary eat .. The done there suck man .. Haka restaurant is still much better .. Then we went watch miss call .. Eh not really scary but that movie almost make me not to use my phone again ... Anyway then after the movie

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, November 28, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

Then later caleb came jeff house and we go mamak together :-.... This is caleb posing ... Lol

What a day

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

Well today went jeffrey house he straight away took my phone and take this picture .... Dam gay :-D

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

school holiday starts!!

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, November 14, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hai.. dam boring lar... seriously...sien.... let's talk about eh.. last thursday.... after summit stay at jeff house... quite scary ler.. seriously..... 12 am we go mamak.. haha zack and jeff took off thier cloths.. want become 'malaysian jack ass!!' LOL... onli wif underwear on.. dam funn wei.... then later a car stop by.. say... apa ini? they just say pants basak.. LOL...... then later at maka chat lor later mamak then... wow.. the nightmare begins.... well jeff and zack dun want to go back to so fast.... so we hang up in the bb court.. they pee everywhere.. disgusting... then later.. we go play ground play play lar.. then later.... on a lorong.. we suddenly say a dead cat!!! 0-0 wow.... then we dun care lar.. keep walking.. later the lamp post suddenly no light!! we run like hell.. then we turn back and see the lamp post got light again....WOW.... then later we go to another lorong... we say a very scary sign...sign of mosnter face.. we run.....!! and we go to another end.. suddenly car alarm rang!!we run again like hell.. wow..then the car alarm suddenly stop.... then we so scare we just go home onli.... reaching home.. on the middle of the road we saw a dog.. standing middle of the road frenzing there..NOT MOVING HOLY CRAP!!! we straight away run hme man....after that.. wow....that's all lar =.="

ok..... about today.... sorry never told u guys about my cup!!! is the blog cup!!! those who have the best blog will be awarded by me!!!

well we have the winner , winner is.. WAN YEE

here's the trophy !!


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

dam... bloody school start

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, November 01, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

dam shit.. school start all the bad things come flying to me =.=" i didnt get good result.... my hair long and now i cut look like shit... and.. i will never never never never never never never never never never never never never never forget what tze hao say to me..... that's the most evil thing i ever heard... a fren.. man.. not enemy.. a fren say that to me.... i cant believe it... wth wrg wif him? nvm....just cant wait for the holiday starts anyway.... hai.....

Saturday, October 28, 2006

well lol new song

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, October 28, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well tihs song just match my template =D hope u guys luv it... XD well gonna start next week.. dammit >.<" result man... haha.. is ok...good luk to anyone anyway tata!!!

well lol new song

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

well tihs song just match my template =D hope u guys luv it... XD well gonna start next week.. dammit >.<" result man... haha.. is ok...good luk to anyone anyway tata!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

im back.. haha...

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, October 23, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well.. .after 2 weeks of terible exam.. now is hari raya..... well im kinda unlucky these few days.... i got a car accident at thursday.. i lose my phone at friday... sat and sun no problem.. becus i stay at home lol......but i think my bad luk is over... becus i went out today.. and everything seem normal =D.... well.. now i will be using my dad old pda phone anyway (p800).. is ok... i getting a new 1 soon anyway.. haha....well...somtimes... im wondering... what others doing now... in the holiday... well atleast i spent time wif my family.... a long chit chat.... week school start and my result is gonna be bak.. and im sooo dead.. god bless me man.. >.<".....hope i get some A's atleast..hai...

well i dunno i should show this been years.. since the first day i like her.... well... and that doesnt change... ^^ ..i will just continue wait anyway XD (dont act like u know who,.. remember.. years... not months.. XD)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

wow... worry of exam

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, October 07, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

here some tips for u guys on how to study..

Most freshmen think about studying often. They talk about it, complain about it, procrastinate about it. They religiously take their books home on the weekend, or to the park, or to a friend's place. They promise themselves that they will study after the party or after the movie. Do they study? Well, sometimes, but rarely is it effective, because most freshmen believe that memorizing is enough. Memorizing at the last minute (or cramming) is the most popular form of freshman studying. No wonder that 40 percent fail.
Understanding, not memory, is the foundation of college learning. The trick is to study to understand, then memorize what is important. The place to begin to understand is the textbook. Studying is different from reading. We read the newspaper, a recipe, a novel. The purpose is usually to acquire information or to be entertained. To study is to apply the mind so as to acquire understanding and knowledge.
The first type of study is learning from your textbook. Studying a textbook is a careful and thoughtful process. At the beginning of the semester, examine your text just as you would examine any new tool. How are the chapters organized? Are they grouped into units with introductions? What is the structure of each chapter? Do they contain case studies, summaries, introductory outlines, boxed inserts, graphs and charts, problems, questions? What appendices exist? Is there a glossary (a dictionary of terms used in the book), index, background information (science books often contain an explanation of the scientific method, and government books contain the Constitution, and so on)? If a study guide exists for the text, buy it; it is worth every dollar.
Be sensible about where, when, and how you study. Study first, then party, rather than the other way around. Study during the day if possible (the soaps will still be there on holidays). Turn the television off. Sit at a table or desk. Use a good light. Music is okay if the volume is low. Schedule specific times to study, just as if you were going to work. Study at a high energy time because effective studying is hard work and you will need all the energy you can get.
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Textbook Study

Chapters are the normal units of textbooks. Although you may spend several sittings studying a chapter, it is best to consider each one as a whole. To study a chapter effectively you will have to go through it several times. The first step is to look over the entire chapter. Read the main headings and the summary if there is one. Think about the two or three main ideas that this chapter is about. Say them aloud or write them down. You may want to phrase them as questions. These ideas will form the foundation of what you will learn, and they will be the primary method by which you will remember the information in the chapter.
Most modern textbooks are partitioned into sections and subsections. This deliberate structure helps you to learn, for as you acquire new ideas and information you need to store them in your memory. Research tells us that items stored at random are hard to remember, but ideas and items stored on the basis of their meaning and context are much easier to remember. Thus, understand the material first; then work to remember it.
As you study each section, do the following: read the heading and look for the primary idea about the heading in the first or second paragraph. When you find it, mark it by underlining or highlighting. Then read the first subsection without marking anything. Stop and think. What in that subsection is important about the primary idea? You may find one or two or three items to mark, but be selective, for if you mark too much, the markings are useless. Work your way through each subsection, back and forth, reading... thinking... marking. As you work, be sure to look over any charts, graphs, or boxed inserts. They can help you understand the ideas. Work for fifteen to twenty minutes and then get up and take a five-minute break. Then back to work.
If text material is especially difficult, make an outline of the section. If there is new vocabulary, make flash cards (à la grade school) with the word on one side and the definition on the other. Flash cards also work for identifications and grouped items (types, characteristics). Carry them in your purse or pocket and practice them several times a day. If you are lucky enough to have a study guide for the text (a call to your college bookstore will tell you if one is in print), use it to organize your efforts by going back and forth between the guide and the text.
The end result of a productive study session is twofold: you have an understanding of the main ideas of the text reading, and you have a marked text that will help you prepare for exams. The markings are yours, your choices; that is why it is useful to buy unmarked texts. Other people's decisions will not help you.
If you have read this far and are fairly intimidated by these suggestions, take heart; you can learn how to study. Most high school students rarely read their texts, and few if any study them. One of the hardest adjustments most college freshmen must make is learning to study their textbooks because it is a new behavior. It will take many false starts and miscalculations, but with practice you can learn. You will not only get better with practice, you will get faster.
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Reading Difficulties

If you are a competent reader and simply out of practice, the practical suggestions above should improve your reading effectiveness within 45 days. However, there are three kinds of reading difficulties that are much more serious and require direct intervention. The first is poor concentration (or gifted daydreaming). If your mind wanders each time you pick up a textbook, the cure is ruthless. Study in ten-minute sessions. Read the chapter one subsection at a time. Turn the heading into a question and when you find the answer, write it down. Hold yourself accountable for every minute you are looking at the page. If you have to stand up and hold the book, do so. After each ten-minute session, test yourself on the material. Daydreaming is a habit; so is concentration. Get in the habit of concentrating when you are looking at a text. Each time you realize that you are daydreaming, pull your mind back to the information on the page.
The second kind of reading difficulty is lack of a collegiate vocabulary. If every tenth word in your freshman English reader is unfamiliar, you need to do specific vocabulary development. The fastest method is to go to the campus learning lab and study Greek and Latin roots and prefixes. Another is to keep a dictionary with you at all times and use it. Make vocabulary cards, write sentences using new words, and become a wordsmith, a craftsman with language. Reading will greatly aid your vocabulary development. Persistence is the key; if you can truly learn one new word each day, your vocabulary will grow as your intellectual abilities grow.
A third kind of reading difficulty occurs when students have problems with understanding the basic content of the text. If you try to read and seem to miss the main points the professor and other students talk about, then find a campus source that will assess your reading skills. There may be a learning or reading lab, an education department, a counseling center. This is not the time to be shy; reading difficulties can be overcome, but you will need the help of specialists.
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Problem Solving

As mentioned earlier, the first type of study was learning from your textbook. A second type is solving problems for courses such as math, statistics, accounting, physics. Attempt the homework as soon after class as possible (you will remember more). As you are practicing a procedure for solving a problem, talk aloud about what you are doing and why. Better still, write down what you are doing and why. When you get stuck, take a short break and try again. If you stay stuck, get help from your professor or a classmate or a tutor in one of the learning labs. Persistence is the key to success. A good way to ensure that you understand--rather than just remember--the process is to explain it to someone else. An emergency technique, if math is extremely difficult for you, is to begin by working unassigned problems for which you have the answers, to verify that you understand the procedure.
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Study Groups

A third type of study is the study group. Groups can be either opportunities or dangers. The dangers are obvious: you may visit instead of learn; your partners may give you wrong information; you may spend all your time teaching them and not learning anything new; your group may contain a leech who cannot contribute but clings to others. However, the opportunities are equally great. Students in effective groups combine their skills and knowledge as well as motivate each other to greater accomplishments.
If you want to establish an effective study group, choose two other students who share your desire for success (three is the magic number for a group). Set a specific time, place, and topic. A good place is the library. Expect everyone to have completed the initial study of the material and to bring questions to the group. Compare notes from the lecture across the group. Focus the discussion on two points: the unanswered questions about the material from the lecture and the reading and the predicted questions for the next test.
A lively, competitive interaction in a group will help everyone's learning. Debate the issues or quiz each other. Assign topics and let each person "teach" for five minutes. If you have been unwise enough to choose a lazy person or a leech, eject him or her from the group. Older returning students are good additions to a group because they are usually highly motivated and willing to work hard.
Studying is not just reading and memorizing, although it encompasses both. Studying is the active learning of academic ideas and information. It is the work of a student. Most study skills books tell students to study two hours for every hour of class. Not a bad average, but it is an average. Some courses will require four hours for every hour of class and some will require thirty minutes. The two-for-one average will usually yield average grades. Yes, unlike high school, it takes effort even to make Cs. As and Bs come much harder.
Studying is like any job. With time and effort and attention, you can learn to do it well. Practice in studying will allow you to master the most powerful skill in the human arsenal: the ability to concentrate.
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Exercise: Concentration

  1. Complete the attached checklists in order to be aware of distractions.
  2. Try this plan for reducing internal distractions and increasing the amount of time you can read productively:
    1. Begin with a relatively easy assignment as a "warm-up." Divide the assignment into three or four segments.
    2. Read the first segment. When your attention starts drifting, stop, turn away from the book, note the number of paragraphs you were able to read with concentration. Briefly review those paragraphs and remind yourself of the key points, then continue reading this first segment. Repeat this process as often as necessary until you complete the segment.
    3. When you finish the first segment, note the average number of paragraphs you were able to read with concentration. If your average was, say, four, set a goal of six for the next segment.
    4. Skim the next segment and mark the end of the passage you hope to read without distraction.
    5. Repeat step (b) until you have worked through the second segment.
    6. Work through the entire assignment using this technique.
  3. Describe aloud or write the main content of the assignment you just read.
  4. Take a short relaxing break, then turn to a more challenging assignment, using the same technique.

that's it... well... im trying to use this method too hahah cya guys

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

hey im back!!

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, September 19, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

haha.. im always back when my exam is coming.. weird izzit? XD Lol... well let'see.. today i get this from email... is the lamest karangan i ever seen in my life XD

hahaha is kinda funny.. laugh out loud!!

anyway let's talk about today... well..... like normal days lar... =.=" seriously nth to talk.... i just know exam coming... XD...... i really have to study hard this time.. i always realise if u really smart.... means study.. ppl will kinda respect u... haha... and im sure chasing a girl is much easier maybe? LOL... ok that's it for today.. hahah bye

Friday, September 01, 2006

what a day.... weee

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, September 01, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments


well.. sorry for not blogging so long.. welll... lazy lar... u know lar.. today special.. so i blog.... today morning wake up go for guitar lesson.. dammit..... teacher just ask to practise...didnt learn a dam gay ...thing....nvm.... then go back home.... alot of ppl say they ponteng.. feel like ponteng also.. just come back and went play golf.. so i just have to go to school.. my dad even tell me to bring my handphone along. incase.. my mum fetch me.. after school.. well in school normal days.... i taught no one will come.. end up my class... i think mostly everyone come =.=".... thx god i got go.. lOl.... then hm... after school.. mum fetch me... back.. home.. then.... went out dinner wif my family lor.... hhah skip tuition.. dam nice...... wahahah... then.. we go to starhill and kl ..... go to a dinnin res......i think.... call shook!.... wow... dam nice... the place..... toilet also dam special =.='.... end up i ate steak wif my family... then.. my dad call 2 wines and a cigar for himself.. i think i drank 3 glass.. and im almost drunk.... wow..........then 11++ we finish.. the cost is like...... 700++ !!!! wow imagine.. =.=" then later we go home lor..... that's it for today XD

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

hm.. long time no blog...haha

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, August 09, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hahah... moslty i blog onli on exam day.. becus sien... so got exam.. sure blog 1..hahaha.. =.+' so sien.... my love life is over... wee.. single again.. enjoy my lonely and sad teenager life.. =.=".....Lol..let me see today.... normal lar... second day of exam....... all subject like shit..... exam like shit... cant believe it.. ... who cares.... im always dam unlucky.. sit beside teacher....... =.+"....hai......then that jun weng tell the whole world i copy his answer.. mahai.. when wor.... dam fake... =.="..................seriously nth to blog... just cant wait for the coming holiday... ...................hai..................... tmr last day exam.. wish me luck anyway....

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what happen to me? 0_O..... confusing..

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, August 02, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well... long time no blog.. haha.. .sad.. case.... ^^ anyway i iwll start blogging.... let's see

hai... i been acting weird these days... after AND 1......... ...i feel.....diff... everything change.. i mean..... i dunno!!... i use to like her.. and now... maybe im not enough mature?... a kid?....... or maybe becus of her attitude or eh..... hot temper?... i dunno >.<"...... love is confusing ... reali.. kinda....anyway.....i will think real hard....... should i continue to be wif her or not?.........hai....the feelings.. like just gone... am i a play boi?.. 0_o... who knows....

anyway about today hm..... wake up late.. who cares.. infront of me is sandwitch... wooo.. never know my maid will do me 1.. ;)... then... quickly eat change..... then go to school lor.... i ready my advertisement for my oral.. haha 100 plus!! but too bad today didnt advertise... sad right...... maybe tmr.. T_T..... after school.. i go to usj 13.... so lonely... seeing her wif a gang of boys.. dun want disturb lar... then suddenly her mum fetch her.. then nvm lor... then eddie and his friend come again =.="... taught got what problem again.. end up we becoem friends again.. i think..... well.. i prefer to be in this life again... which friends.. are more important... just realise... really... hahahha ..i just know that.. friends are more importnat then gf..... becus later.. 18 aboe.. friends are hard to find already.. then .. cpl is the best time.. i dun want to waste my teenage life.. maybe this my first and last... relationship of love...... maybe another 2 3 years onli i cpl again......i dunno..... a kid like me XD..... .... love reali give alot of problems... anyway.. haha... stick to friends are the best.......^^...anyway eh....exam next week.. need study.. and so on.... .... y is life like this.. =.="

Sunday, July 23, 2006

what an idiotic day..

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, July 23, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hai.. today.. wake up early morning.. go basketball training....... bloody hell coach didnt come..... after...all those gay training.. then 20 pumping 20 sit up....... dam gay.... so tired.... then later.... me jun weng jeffrey adam.. go to visit that dobus ship?.... dunno that's lame... stupid odl ship... i taught is gonna be big... but not at alll!! i took some pic... here.. hahaha

see?... thousands of ppl.. just to see this dam lame shiP??? u must be kidding hahaha...
there is the ship... small right?.. u may see is big.. but acually is dam small!!=.="....

hahaha.... this 1 they have there... ask us to donate ...... i keep throwing my 1 cent.... wow.. that winnie the pooh shirt guy.. is dam bloody rich.. he throw all his coins in.. see it rolling rolling..... haha... ^^

..........hahah that ice cream jun weng holding... is dam nice!! u onli can eat it 4 years once!! XD anyway thx for holding that ice cream for me =.+"

lastly.. is me nad jun weng.. taking pic.. i know i know.. im ugly or whatever.. =.+" who cares..... we are finally out from that dam ship.. PHEW...thx god... XD

anyway that's all about today.. i went to buy something for my dear.... that make my wallet empty....Lol.... who cares... most important i buy her something.. ^^ everyday think of her.. hahhaa...

later.. went dinner wif parents and im back.. that's it... XD

Saturday, July 22, 2006

hi!! check out my new template ;)

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, July 22, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

wahahaha geng ler?... whatever =.=".... i know it suk... so.. may leave a rating.. hahaha
anyway about today... hm... i wake up early this morning... go tze hao house... HAHAH..... his mum let me in ... his door locked.. the mum use key unlock it... then i go it... knock the toilet door.. HAHAH!! TZE HAO HALF NAKED..loL...HE LIKE WTF!! WTF!!!! then faster close the door.... then he go marah his mum... XD... Lol... then after that ... drank a milo in tze hao house then we go usj6 play bb..... walau... we are lost man.... that tze hao keep using my phone call. untill no credit already =.=" he say he gonna pay me back rm5!!! but didnt.. dam him.... then later finally we reach to that padang.... play a 5v5 match i think... i sub out sub in.. =.=' ... then got a uncle come and scold us... say we shout too loud!! .....then we all play like some quietly....... then after before i and tze hao walk home.. we play za ren? dunno.. kill ppl lar... is where u shoot the ball in.. if not... u let ppl shoot u are out!! i always reach to quater final!! hahah how lucky am i.. they all say i kai onli.. =.=" nth to say.... haha.. then i and tze hao walk home... then... he bloody hell go spoil my timberland bag T_T...THAT GAY!! ME ,him and his mother take hrs just to fix my bag =.='.... i go take a bath... wth no hot water?.. who cares... then later wait my parents come fetch me lor... then go to that dam british council.... i taught no need go already.. becus im dam late!!... and i hate that teacher that tech us!! but good news... when i reach there.. they change to another teacher!! which is not fierce... weee!! but i still hate to go there.. is all the lame chineses or malay freaks.... so lame!! all nerds... play psp.... talk crap.. =.='.. nth to say.. i just hate british council.... somemore i didnt eat breakfast.. in class.. halfway my stomach... "gloooooo'.... =.=' i think got ppl look at me... dun care lar.. after got 10 minutes break.. faster rush down and get a nugget.. not i die liao =.=".....then later... after the dam class.... i call my dad he say will come in another 20 minutes.. so i just use the com in british council... beside me got some idiot go listen high school muscial song...' breaking free' SING SO
LOUD SOMEMORE....DAM SOHAI LOL... then someone ask him to quite... =.=.. i was just beside him man.... then dad call me.. i go out from that gay place... and wait for my dad car.. meet up my old friend rais!!!... hahah same primary school... that rich ass... dun want talk aobut it.. long story.. then.. later dad fetch me already.. then go fetch my mum and sis in klcc.... then hm... dad knowi m hungry.. we go to shang ri la hotel.. eat buffet.. woo.... but sien already lar.. everytime eat this de... got italian,malaysian,chinese food...and japanese... of course ;)........ then eat untill woooo dam full =.=" after bill come out rm230... =.=" normal la.r... always eat that much de... then go grandma house to visit my grandma... wow.. i do meet her man... i sleep in her bed untill we gtg.... too sleepy =.="... then reach then chat wif my dear.... ^^ wahahah what a day.... while reading a news about that datuk' k wife ask for rm4m... sad case... stupid go marry siti !!.. dunno what mans.. thinking these days,, =.="

ok that's it!! haha longggggggggggggg post... ^^

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

wow.. weird day today is..

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, July 19, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

yesterday.... my dear.. didnt online.. how sad izzitt man.. school... like normal days... just that i got alot of problems.. in my mind.... hm...and eh...after school.. cant wait to see dear lor... then reach there.. addy ask me to go over there.. taught problem solve.... end up...........he ask for another fight...tmr we gonna 1 on 1 anyway.. hope tmr problem can solve.. and that's it.. over!! i and my dear happily each other.. noo one can disturb us... Lol.. then i go home onli lor.. reach home.. i was surprise that dad.. come home so early!! dad mum.. watchng tv.. =.=... anyway later... they went out buy salads.. i think.. then buy us mcdonald :D... yeah !! .... Lol... i havent eat it..keep my burger for later.. not hungry stil.. hm... ^^ thats' all i think.. oh ya.. chat wif... my dear FATHER... WOW...... cant believe it.... never know uncles are so modern these days... haha.... anyway i think that's it... for today.. continue tmr...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

well just blog..

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, July 18, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

haha.. someone ask me to blog... so i just do it... ^^... anyway let me see..... about today... hm.. not really much... like normal.. days... just that.... tze hao been joking aorund like an idiots... as always... and eh... after school.. cant wait to see my sis and eh... my dear lor... Lol.... didnt reali chat wif her much....bus come.. and i dunno what im doing... just go near her.. she hold my hand.. then let go. .then i go in my bus.. and im back.. =.+........after tuition.. chat wif her again lor.. that's it... and.. hm.. maybe this sunday im going to. eh.. port klang?... to see some stuff.. wif jeffrey... and alot more Lol....

still looking for a And 1 team.. my team suk.. so im looking for another 1... Lol!!! ^^

Sunday, July 16, 2006

just realise something..

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, July 16, 2006 | Category: | 1 comments

well.. after today morning basketball practice...... i just realise that... im really a losuy bb player.... ....and in the evening i went out and play again.....and makes me think im even lousier..... hai..... i been playing basketball for 6 years.... maybe i didnt train hard.. i could say that.. ppl can be 10 times better then me by 1 year..... but me?.. been 6 years of playing.. and had not improve..... what a loser.... hai.. so now im training up and chase up... i will be a school team in my school and wont let ppl look down at me anymore.. 1 day.... 1 day man..

Saturday, July 08, 2006

saturday... boring day (anyway is about her) ^^

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, July 08, 2006 | Category: | 1 comments

well... let's start with the pass ..... from


welll like normal days.. i cant remember anything anyway hahaha.. i just remember after school,... bus fetch us to usj13.. and i saw a girl.... 0_0 that keep making me stare on her... anyway since so many boys talk to her... then i think... she must be popurlar...nah.. forget about it....


well... i ask zi jie about her... he told me everything... but still i want to noe her as a friend....i even ask my pet sis... vivi about her....then i was hoping to see her again


hahah......went back home.. zi jie start a conversation with me and her.. so i chat with.. her .......... in my mind is like... all mix up.. i dunno what to say... that's happen when i talk to a girl... sad right.? lol.... so i manage to chat to her untill 4am in the morning.. not reali a fun conversation... becus.. im such a loser... u noe....... dissapointed of myself.... that cant think much to talk to her...

at night i chat wif her again lor but.... not long .. because i cant stand the sleepyness. that night talk to her untill 4am.... i wans half sleep when i was chatting wif her ahahaha anyway..try to practice my guitar so that wont make me so sleepy lol.... then finally she sleep Lol.... then onli i sleep........anyway i ask for her num and i sms her.. but she rpely me too ^^ so i can sleep in peace

saturday, today

well wake up go for guitar practice hope she will online.. anyway i have a match of dota first.... then i sms her.. never noe she reply back.... but i had nth to talk to her always.. sad....ok that's it..... is kinda boring for today...nvm... from now on.. i will spend more time in my blog.. so dont mind to see it every week!! ty^^

Sunday, June 25, 2006

im back!!! since im bored

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, June 25, 2006 | Category: | 1 comments

yo guys... im back to my blogging weee!!! anyway let's start by friday

well.. after school.. i go tze hao house.. and stay a night.. becus i want to go to cell... then i 1 on 1 wif tze hao basketball in his house ^^ ehehehe....... but i lose... 2-3.... he is as good as always... anyway he reali have a big house... imagine how rich is him..then his mother cook fried rice.. dam nice~!!!!! anyway.. then we go edwin house... trying to login my red ward gunboudn id.. but cant remember.... dnt care lar... never play that game for years man... then we go cell.... dun dare to go in.. too shy.. ahahaha... anyway i manage to go in in a big usj12 gang... then i see eluth !!!! wow...... then so as abigail.... that so many of my friend have a crush on her.... then... we sing songs.... then we sit down.. listen to christian story.... and i think im the onli 1 so semangat go listen... ahahha.... then later.. got satay and spaghetti to makan... i think is a small girl make 1... lol.... then after that eluth give me a mentoes... so to maxon also.. ^^ wooo then.. eh.... she ask us to fill up the form... then after that we go home lor..... then go back tze hao house.... then we started watching kumar white castle.... then we watch football... wif tze hao sis.. then euro trip... i watch twince already.... aahha so lame.... then i watch untill i sleep.. is was 5 am!!! man ahaha... then i sleep.. but i dun think tze hao sleep...

wahhhh wake up... then eh... hehehehe then tze hao ask me go his ocusin party.... whatever lar.. i makan a pau and drink milo then watch 2 fast 2 furious first... but too bad we didnt manage to finish.... then eh.... we go to the party lor... tze hao sis angry... becus she was late for her meeting.. but still have to take us to the party to prevent.... broken relationship wif the in bukit....cant remember.. a semi-d we go in eat.... then go up use tzze hao aunt com... wow... her com pentium m... expensive webcam.. and all the crap stuff... that is everyone dream lektop man!! then after...that... we leave the cousin house.. his sister drive so fast like ferrari man... wtf.... so dam fast.. becus she was so late.. like about .. 30 minutes??woooo then reach to tze hao home.. then eh.......we go cut hair in taipan.... snips...omg.... that gay place!! all gays cut for us.. but not bad anyway... after we come out.. we go makan tau fu fa...... i belanja him ahaha.. then we slowly... walk home.....'we walk in a lonely road.....' ... whatever.. then... we reach home already.... that wasnt far anyway.. then.... tze hao act like a pizza boy to ask the mum to open the door.. dam funny....then later... we use the com lor..chatting wif tze hao precious gf.......that lesbian.. LOL....then later i go 1 0n 1 wif tze hao again basketball...he teach me alot of skills..... reali thx him alot man... then my mum come and fetch me already lor... then go back.....sadly..ahaha the gay in snips.. keep calling tze hao.. go cc wif him.. OMG.. GAY!!! AHAHA sad case for him.... then eh.... later go home.. ready take bath then go for dinnerl or.. we go korean bbq restaurant makan..... as usual.. my father dun scare 1.. ma de last week just eat onli.. anyway is my mum that belanja.. ahahha ^^ becus to celebrate belated fathers day

then.. my father say that is my first and last time going cell... and i dun want to talk about it.... and somemore he say my hair suk?.... man.. sometimes.. i reali hate him.....what can i do.. is my father......but of course i will think of her and try to find a way to go cell... after that eluth sms me ^^ ask me go church sunday.. but sadly.. i cant.. ahah......=(

ok .... father bang the dam door... then take us eat some stpuid tradition chinese food.... that is always fuking suk........ then we go grandmother ohuse.. saw my aunt.... then.. eh.. whole day at there dam sien.. so i sleep in my grandma bed onli.. then about 4pm we get out from there.. and go to tesco.. to buy some daily stuff lar.. then... buy domino pizza back makan.... hai/.... then.. eh......................then reach home.. finally!!! then eh... i go surf the website.. to check eh... about n92.... izzit a good phone or not...... then eh...................after that go watch HIGH SCHOOOL MUSCIAL!!! wee nice show ahaha.... imagine my high school is liek them... that always my dream.... then i dl the show ahaha.... since yen yi want it too... im gonna burn it and let her see...then after that i keep singing the breaking free song.. ahahha then i sms eluth to tell her about the show.. see she got see or not....that's all.... after that must typing the blog now that's all... next week.. is gonna be a nightmare..... hope not.... god bless me!!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

well i might not be writing anymore

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, May 19, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

nth.. just boring and seem no one care to look at my blog anyway.... i might even write lesser............ sad... =.="

Monday, May 15, 2006

hai,.... today... so sad...

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, May 15, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well.... today sit in bus... yen yi pass back the dvd to me.. i ask her to pass to jeff.. and she say: he also want to see this?... also i noe something going wrg.. school she talk about that dvd.. u noe... better not say out my sis will read this.... anyway....... then of course i dam sad.. lor... trying to help end up.. makign stuff worste.... say sorry to her.. but sitll.. feel very sorry.... ... then after exam exam is kinda... hard seriously... jeff and adam can see jun weng answer.. i was like.... wtf..... why is life so unfair.... y after go home lor.... sit van... then bus.... again.. on seat for me to sit.. so i just stand.... before that my friend soo zi jie pour water at me.. and i dunno after some of them leave the bus... i pour water back to zi jie.. nad kok yan pour at me..... but still i dun have seat to sit.. always... everyday let them buli.. kesian... right?.. hai... then after i dam angry i faster push them awya and sit.. down.. they take ouut my shoes and throw infront... so embarresed.. somemore infront of the girl i like.... so i just go take.. and they throw again... so i just dun care take my shoes.. and... sit infront.... then now reach home... i post it at blueserver... tell everyone how's my bus life is... then kena my sis and my mother marah.. why didnt study... online.. hai.. dun care lar..seriously.. what a bad day is today man.. hope tmr is not like this.......

well.. it seem like mother's day over.. but i got something for u guys to see..... hope u treat your mum good before u regret...

When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long.

When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. You thanked her by running away when she called.

When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor.

When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by coloring the dining room table.

When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud.

When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming, "I'M NOT GOING!"

When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by throwing it through the next-door-neighbor's window.

When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream. You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap.

When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons. You thanked her by never even bothering to practice.

When you were 10 years old she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastic to one birthday party after another. You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.

When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row.

When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.

When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste.

When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter.

When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked.

When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking it every chance you could.

When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on the phone all night.

When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn.

When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus carried your bags. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn't be embarrassed in front of your friends.

When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, "It's none of your business."

When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future. You thanked her by saying, "I don't want to be like you."

When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.

When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment. You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly.

When you were 24, she met your fiance and asked about your plans for the future. You thanked her by glaring and growling, "Muuhh-ther, please!"

When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving halfway across the country.

When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby. You thanked her by telling her, "Things are different now."

When you were 40, she called to remind you of a relative's birthday. You thanked her by saying you were "really busy right now."

When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children.

And then one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder on YOUR HEART.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

sorry for not wiritng for so long..

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, May 10, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

wel... 1 day pass by .........i gettingg no intrest oon writing blog oledi.... XD ... but today hm.... is my exam XD.. first day.. so... wish me luck.....

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, April 20, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hai... this morning so sien!! no com play my sis com only.... then go school lor.. good then i can ponteng.... eheheh somemore can see girls play basketball competition... but rain dam heavily ... i shawn maxon and tze hao also damm wet... we chanre to pj shirt lor... then go canteenn get free fruits... nono that is yesterday... but today cant liao.. sad......then come home lor... then go tuition again.. nv know our english tuition is a displin teacher... i dun care anyway.. come home my dad also just reach home ask how's the upgrade... AND U KNOW WHAT HE SAY??!! MY COM CANT UPGRADE!!!noooooooooooooo i will just like.... SUICIDE.... I WANT TO DIE ARH... GOD PLS... HE SAY IF need to upgrade need to CHANGE THE WHOLE MOTHERBOARD.....NOT ONLY THAT.. CHANGE EVERYTHING...AND IT COST $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ALOT!!!sad..... say he help me next time.. MEANS I LET HIM BRING TO THE OFFICE FOR NO REASON.....SAD LAR........taught he iwll help me upgrade my graphic card atleast better then this... hai.. dun care lar.... that's all chaoz

Saturday, April 15, 2006

good friday

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, April 15, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

welll this some conversation between me and jeff... he say why is today good friday
CoZ says:
coz 2day is good friday
ANDORYUU- 3y3|= [_] <4[\]>34[) 7[-]3y35 \'(_)|_| |\> 5[\/... says:
CoZ says:
tats y rainin whole day
CoZ says:
all the angel cryin
CoZ says:
coz good friday is the day jesus die

ok well talk about today... alarm 8.30 but i cant wake up.. 9.30 wake up lol.. then i 02jam for a while... soo zi jie... my neightbour or also can say my tuition friend or bus friend ..... came to my house... after his guitar lesson.. help him complete his lvl4 mission... then his mother call me to call him back... after he went back.. his mother call again... well his mum really a fierce women man... say .:' why my son didnt call me then he go your house? now not i dun want him to mix wif u.. is just that i want him to study... and if he come your ohuse without asking me again.. i wil ltake action ' i was like LOL.... k nvm i dun care about that.. then go school big rain... reach school ... aunty ask me to hold the big umbrela (short font) wif yen yi >.<" then we walk in the school lol..... then the girls like.. WOOOO..... then i faster walk away wif that dam thing... >.<" ........then bring that thing to the canteen... so embarrased........ people say i like girl only.. holidng that... nvm who cares.. go up. my class do that dam moral drawing thing.... i draw dam nice.. but colour suk XD i so creative XD.. then then ehh... recess time lor.... eat 1 sausage.. like shit only... got garlic on it like havent been cooked... LOL.. ......then go up class ready for kh... do that kerja kayu again.. dam sien... do wrg... redo lol...then bm last period... i do all my homeworks before schools end.. then it rain again non stop... untill i reach home...... late for tuitino because of the rain, jam.....then go in.. atleast i not the last... but i dun liek to go to that tuition.. everyday also kena insult by my friends... so call FRIENDS... but they always insult me.. like 3 v1 u know... so i always cant beat them in talknig i just shut up and continue letting them insult me.. just hope 1 day ... they will stop it... really i cant stand them.. even denise jor them ... sad... tmr is huey ling birthday party.. still not sure i going or ont.. it seem like jeffrey and his gf not going.. well, i dun care lar i want to sleep jor... good nite ^^

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, April 12, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well today..morning o2jam wif shawn.. nv know he so pro 1... jipet.. lose to him 2 win 1... sien...i taught he play gunz only...then .go to school.... like school got show some picture of real accident.. woo....... then go home jun weng ask me see her mum XD but didnt manage van come jor... then come home.. no tuition today.. dam nice... welll then my mum ask me go in her room.. she show me all the old pictures of my dad... see he take wif alot of girls... maybe he is a playboy XD... not bad he look handsome when he is young.. well... that all bye...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, April 11, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well, today.. wake up early go eat breakfast wif my parents.. then jun weng call me ask me go sp... so i asked my father and he say yes.. well, 11.45am reach there... then go ice skating.... this my first time ice skating man!! and i really dam pro..... no one can believe this.. i tell them when i small i use to go for roll skating.... that why XD....then we go find jeff and his gf... well his gf look not bad lar... but too flat.... XD sad. lol lolLOL... whatever.. then we go a&w eat go cc...dota again... i own the whole game.... then 02jam... jun weng help me to complete lvl12 mission... then go back sp wait parents fetch lor while we waiting we go up to the big computer shop at the highest floor... then ask aabout the ram graphic and everything lar.. nv know so expensive >.<" .... then slowly everyone go back accept me.. so i go cari jeff lor... they at arcade.. see them for a while father call then i go home.. the end....

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, April 09, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

welll today.. morning wake up wen for jogging.. wif my parents.... then makan tau fu fa >.<"
then go eat ipoh kuey theow again.. >.<" then go home... eh.. no i dea what im doing.. then go grandma house to visit her.. we eat there.. well i just miss her food... then come home... i tell the whole thing to her... now feel much better.. of course.. thx to jeffrey there support me ... =)
now i got more confident liao.. hope 1 day she will accept me..

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, April 08, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well... today suppose donth ave british council.. dammit afterr reading the inform paper.. only i realise dam sad.... ok this morning go play bb wif kok yan and yi nam ... so sleeply... yesterday today sleep 3am because that dam tze hao and jeff.... chat untill so late that asshole keep playing 02jam untill gila already... then i chat wif a girl that tze hao introduce... =) not bad XD .... k then after bb go makan breakfast wif that sohai kok yan ask him go makan roti canai he go makan fried kuey theow LOL .. then kok yan come my housep lay mp again then i play 02jam for a while realise jun weng buy me the avatr that i wanted.. .really thx to him man =) good buddy... and then go that dam british council lol...... have to see this dam teacher again... sad.... she is a real freaky teacher ............well that's .. writing this blog at here... waiting for my sis ..... and my parents... the com here cant check mail or friendster... dam boring... ZzzZ


a joke =)

A recently widowed Jewish lady, was sitting on a beach towel at Cocoa Beach, Florida. She looked up and noticed that a man her age had walked up, placed his blanket on the sand nearby and began reading a book. Smiling, she attempted to strike up a conversation with him. "Hello, sir, how are you?" "Fine, thank you," he responded, and turned back to his book. "I love the beach. Do you come here often?" she asked. "First time since my wife passed away last year," he replied, and again turned back to his book. "Do you live around here?" she asked. "Yes, I live over in Suntree," he answered, and then resumed reading. Trying to find a topic of common interest, Sarah persisted. "Do you like pussycats?" With that, the man threw his book down, jumped off his blanket onto hers, tore off both their swimsuits and gave her the most passionate ride of her life! As the cloud of sand began to settle, Sarah gasped and asked the man, "How did you know that was what I wanted?" The man replied, "How did you know my name was Katz?"

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, April 06, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

today... hm.. nothing special... just that i have the chance ot play basketball at pj lesson peacefully.... no class came to the field accept our class... we own the whole court and play.. weee
that's what i always want... then after at the bus... going home.. yen yi forget to take her bottle back.. so i help her to take back and i pass it to her tomorrow... then went for tuition... saw denise...0_0 cant believe she is in the same tuition as me.. =) anyway tthat's all chaoz

Sunday, April 02, 2006

wooo another day

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, April 02, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well today wake up early to follow my family to take my maid to the airport... bye to her... and then we went to a satay store makan... =.=" then come home i play kingdom heart2 shock man... nice game untill evening go swimming ,sauna.... just come back.. aaaaaaa so nice.. XD

anyway guys i need anyone that know me tell me if i have any attitude problem.. i really want to knoww... even is very very bad... tell me.... pls leave a comment thx... i try to change... =)

Saturday, April 01, 2006

today go summit again

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, April 01, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

ok this morning wake up 7am go play basketball wif kok yan and alan... then go makan in a stall...i belanja somemore =.=" then after that they come my house play dota... i show them maphack.. they dun even know maphack exist....then i go for guitar lesson lor... havent get my guitar yet... then straight go to summit and walk to usj1 cc......go there first match dota.... I OWN as always.. then play cs... then after cs dota again.. i kill izad untill he leave game XD dam nice... say he pro... i own him means i more pro ler XD... too bad jeffrey ddint come lar.. caleb also... not can play wif them better... then 1 crazy thing is.. our whole gang go 7eleven makan maggi mee =.=" so sad... then we go back summit 2 strangers talk to us.. say he want 2 of us go for interview and get a free tower... but they look like thiefs...... so we just run away XD... and wait for our parents to fetch.... and eh... parents take me to an earth india restaurant.... food nice... and then just come back lor..that all for today =)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

dam.. life become sucker and sucker..

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, March 28, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hai.... life suck man...... i sick of life... have to do ALOT OF tuition homework...and alot more .......this sunday my first maid going home(means hometown in indonesia)... hai.. she been working for us for 4 years... i just .... cant accept it... hai...

today jeff get so many medals.... good for him then.....too bad not much people cheer for him XD
yen yi say she want to play dota... imagine man.... XD anyway that's all cya guys

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, March 25, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hm.. let me see.... ok today is a normal day.... i went for guitar lesson... but i havent even get a ascotic guitar (sorry if i spell wrg) my dad say that if i can play a nice song.. only he will buy me a expensive 1.... i dun even want expensive.. i just want a guitar.. a guitar i can practise at home!! anyway i writing this blog at british council lol...... going to jeff house later... then tomorrow got n1... that's alll and here another lame joke XD


A gay man, finally deciding he could no longer hide his sexuality from his parents, went over to their house, and found his mother in the kitchen cooking dinner. He sat down at the kitchen table, let out a big sigh, and said, "Mom, I have something to tell you, I'm gay." His mother made no reply or gave any response, and the guy was about to repeat it to make sure she'd heard him, when she turned away from the pot she was stirring and said calmly, "You're gay... doesn't that mean you put other men's penises in your mouth?" The guy said nervously, "Uh, yeah, Mom, that's right." His mother went back to stirring the pot, then suddenly whirled around, whacked him over the head with her spoon and said, "Don't you EVER complain about my cooking again!"

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

another day..

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 22, 2006 | Category: | 2 comments

hai today... normal.. just jeffrey didnt come to school today.... boring.... and i embarresed myself infront of the girls.... suppose to be whistle but i say whisple.... lame =.="

anyway my father want me to be perfect... that's what i know.... because he want face.... u know.. his job... anyway thx to this person who write me a comment just now.... thx..

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

ok today...

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, March 21, 2006 | Category: | 9 comments

dam.. do u guys just hate your father? or maybe u can tell how are thier? very serious type?
welll.. i can tell u mine.... he is 1 very serious person...... THAT WHAT I HATE ABOUT HIM!!
is hard to talk to him... he make me scare when i talk to him.... and he EXPECT ME TO STUDY EVERY SINGLE HR!!! welll where my freedom??? i want to play com too..... not even an hr of playing..... what is this!! I HATE HIM!!! he want me to be him.... BUT SORRY.. I CANT!! ......sorry to have such a useless son... =(

that all guys.. pls tell me about your father =)

Saturday, March 18, 2006

eh.. sorry for not writing anymore for so long

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, March 18, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

eh computer kena virus.. so i reformated.. welll now is nice and smooth... well... i went to pyramid last 2 days.. and watch fd3 u guys watch already?? is kinda suk u know... to me.... XD
i just hate horror movies or trailers ........... why would u want to scare yourself watching rubbish shows? i still prefer wtaching comedy something that is funny.... agree?
but too bad someone didnt turn up that day.... so is kinda boring... but atleast thx to jeffrey !! he the 1 that fix my com... and now is working well!! how can i thx him.. =)
anyway i just came back from melaka.... melaka suk.... boring... we went there jusst to eat eat EAT that's what my parents know how to do... EAT!!!

ok that's all i will continue tomorrow... maybe.. sometimes.. i kinda busy boring.... so i wont be writing everyday... sorry to inform u guys that..... anyway.. cya!!

here is 1 joke... funny XD

Two friends meet in the office of one of them, a notorious techo-geek. "Hey, bud, how are ya?" "I'm good. Congratulations, that new secretary of yours is beautiful!" "Well, I'm glad you like her. Believe it or not, she's a robot! "No way, how could that be?" "Way! She's the latest model from Japan. Lemme tell you how she works. If you squeeze her left tit, she takes dictation. If you squeeze her right tit, she types a letter. And that's not all, she can have sex, too!" "Holy shit! You're kidding, right?" "No, she's something, huh? Tell you what, you can even borrow her" So, his friend takes her into the restroom and is in there with her for a while. Suddenly, he hears him screaming "Eeeeyaaaaa! Heeelp" Ooooooh! Aaaaaaah! Eeeeeeeeeeeaaargghhhh!" The guy says, "Shit! I forgot to tell him her ass is a pencil sharpener!"

Sunday, March 12, 2006

nice party today... i think

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, March 12, 2006 | Category: | 1 comments

today went to jia huey party ....... kinda boring eat only.... but got dance... i dun even know how to dance... so malu =.="

1 thing.. im happy about is... gg not telling anyway goodnite continue tomorrow

this my joke

Once an abnormal guy went to a doctor. His abnormality was that he had three balls. He thought it to be a reproductive abnormality so he wanted to consult a doctor. But he was a little hesitant to present his situation to the doctor. So he tried to explain it to him indirectly. He said, ''Doctor ,if you combine your and my balls, then the result will be five!'' The doctor was amazed to hear that. He stood up and asked the patient, ''You poor guy, have you got only one?''

here's another 1

A girl asks her boyfriend to come over Friday night and have dinner with her parents. Since this is such a big event, the girl tells him that after dinner, she would like to have sex with him for the first time. The boy is ecstatic, but he has never had sex before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacy to get some condoms. The pharmacist helps the boy for about half an hour. He tells the boy everything there is to know about condoms and sex. At the register, the pharmacist asks the boy how many condoms he'd like to buy a 3-pack, 10-pack or family pack. The boy insists on the family pack because he thinks he will be rather busy, it being his first time and all. That night, the boy shows up at the girls parents house and meets his girlfriend at the door. "Oh, I'm so excited for you to meet my parents! Come on in!" The boy goes inside and is taken to the dinner table where the girl's parents are seated. The boy quickly offers to say grace and bows his head. A minute passes, and the boy is still deep in prayer, with his head down 10 minutes pass, and still no movement from the boy. Finally, after 20 minutes with his head down, the girlfriend leans over and whispers to the boyfriend, "I had no idea you were this religious." The boy turns, and whispers back, "I had no idea your father was a pharmacist!"

Friday, March 10, 2006

today really 1 unlucky and sad day

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, March 10, 2006 | Category: | 2 comments

taught after exam... can enjoy.. abit .. never know teacher pass back result already... see also sad.. everyone get good result laughting jumping there jumping here.. but... me? sitting on my chair lying my head on the table.... feel like suicide..... but after wif my friends advice... i feel abit better.... who cares anyway.. holiday coming... cant wait to enjoy..

another sad case is eh... today go home cant chat wif her... so sad..... father fetch dunno why =.=" maybe she so lucky father come XD

hope tomorrow gonna be a happy day...... pls god.. bless me =)

enjoy my joke!

condom joke

Idea is from a friendster forwarded message: A man walks into a drug store with his 8-year old son. They happen to walk by the condom display, and the boy asks, "What are these, Dad?" To which the man matter-of-factly replies, "Those are called condoms, son. Men use them to have safe sex." "Oh I see," replied the boy pensively. Yes, I've heard of that in health class at school." He looks over the display and picks up a package of 3 and asks, "Why are there 3 in this package? " The dad replies, "Those are for high school boys, ONE for Friday, ONE for Saturday, and ONE for Sunday." "Cool" says the boy. He notices a 6 pack and asks, "Then who are these for?" "Those are for college men," the dad answers, TWO for Friday, TWO for Saturday, and TWO for Sunday." "WOW!" exclaimed the boy, "then who uses THESE?" he asks, picking up a 12 pack! With a sigh and a tear in his eye, the dad replied, "Those are for the married men. ONE for January, ONE for February, ONE for March....

enjoy !! =)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hurray exam over!!

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 08, 2006 | Category: | 2 comments

still dam sad =( hope i get good result!!! my ipod will be wif me forever~!!!! weee lazy to go to school tomorrow =.="

ok hm.. today make her angry liao =.=" because of my friends ask me to sitwif her... DAM man.... now im sure she sitll very angry... hope she forgive me ler =.="

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

second day exam over!!

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, March 07, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

wee another day over.... but BUT i didnt do my science quite well.... how sad izzit.....but still maybe i sitll can get an A for my maths and english :D

tomorrow got geo kh and chinese.... lazy to study =.+' who cares ..... lol

anyway go straight to my love story XD ..........

ehh eh... today hm.. i still got chat wif her lor....but sadly alot of songs i dunno how to sing embarress infront of her =(..... but today still happy lar .. atleast i can see her smile XD

Monday, March 06, 2006

huuray!! first day exam over!!

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, March 06, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

dam i have to rewrite again.... ok... hm.... anyway i still have to study science..... since tomorrow exam science...

i will aim for 3 A's maths,science, and english.. this 3 is my main subject...... if i didnt get A , MY I POD IS GONE!!!! FOReVER!!! NOOOO..... lol... XD

ok.. i try to get close to her today.... but too bad im as stupid as ever ( my first lover) and i will not change my mind... since she had a bf.... i will try hard to chase her back.... hopefully 1 day she will accept me..... but too bad i cant speak proper english.... >.<" and when... i talk to her..... i willl like.... '" i cant speak.. cant think of anything.... scare i speak something wrg..... i like her seen last year........and i cant stop thinking of her.... keep hoping to see her everyday sleepy... k that's all for today guys... bye~!

noooo today exam!!

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

this is bad...... IM HAVING EXAM LATER ....... i just cant stop worrying....
lol i didnt studied much... IM DEAD I M DEADDDDDDDD

anyway wish me luck guys

Saturday, March 04, 2006

another day...

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, March 04, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

oh man..... 2 more days before exam!!!! i just cant stop worrying.... just cant wait for exam to over...!! i got alot of plans... go friend party, pyramid.... more...... XD

well guys from now on.. if i have any jokes.. i will put here... if u dun mind XD
this blog is kinda boring i know.... for those whoever see it pls leave a comment... atleast i know u are looking at it.........

atleast today is a good day..... parents say that my monthly pocket money increase by RM50 wow!! how happy am i... =) because they say foods are expensive now..... XD

Friday, March 03, 2006

what a sad day..

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, March 03, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

welll i know it!!!... i know this will happen 1 day...... someone will tell me that i speak bad english....

sorry for that guys.... i trying to improve well.... just hope she dun mind.... hai...

exam coming next week..... i havent studied much and havent prastice playing my guitar ( i learn guitar too =) ) and i keep stuck in the computer playing dota dota dota.... im really addicted to that game.... how sad is this...... well i better start studying now..

and eh... i really regret getting a ipod ( i had a ipod) ........... i regreted alot of stuff.... i just dunno how to live in a happy life... haii.....

im busy everyday.... not even a day for me to relax.... tuition,british council, guitar, and more!! i just cant think of any!!

well that for all today.... if my english having any mistake.. pls help me to correct it... ty

my first blog!

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

well , today i just started a blog... since my friend ask me to start 1 .......
well... maybe i will write abit of me and other stuff and eh.. that all bye =)