Wednesday, August 09, 2006

hm.. long time no blog...haha

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, August 09, 2006 | Category: |

hahah... moslty i blog onli on exam day.. becus sien... so got exam.. sure blog 1..hahaha.. =.+' so sien.... my love life is over... wee.. single again.. enjoy my lonely and sad teenager life.. =.=".....Lol..let me see today.... normal lar... second day of exam....... all subject like shit..... exam like shit... cant believe it.. ... who cares.... im always dam unlucky.. sit beside teacher....... =.+"....hai......then that jun weng tell the whole world i copy his answer.. mahai.. when wor.... dam fake... =.="..................seriously nth to blog... just cant wait for the coming holiday... ...................hai..................... tmr last day exam.. wish me luck anyway....

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