Saturday, July 08, 2006

saturday... boring day (anyway is about her) ^^

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, July 08, 2006 | Category: |

well... let's start with the pass ..... from


welll like normal days.. i cant remember anything anyway hahaha.. i just remember after school,... bus fetch us to usj13.. and i saw a girl.... 0_0 that keep making me stare on her... anyway since so many boys talk to her... then i think... she must be popurlar...nah.. forget about it....


well... i ask zi jie about her... he told me everything... but still i want to noe her as a friend....i even ask my pet sis... vivi about her....then i was hoping to see her again


hahah......went back home.. zi jie start a conversation with me and her.. so i chat with.. her .......... in my mind is like... all mix up.. i dunno what to say... that's happen when i talk to a girl... sad right.? lol.... so i manage to chat to her untill 4am in the morning.. not reali a fun conversation... becus.. im such a loser... u noe....... dissapointed of myself.... that cant think much to talk to her...

at night i chat wif her again lor but.... not long .. because i cant stand the sleepyness. that night talk to her untill 4am.... i wans half sleep when i was chatting wif her ahahaha anyway..try to practice my guitar so that wont make me so sleepy lol.... then finally she sleep Lol.... then onli i sleep........anyway i ask for her num and i sms her.. but she rpely me too ^^ so i can sleep in peace

saturday, today

well wake up go for guitar practice hope she will online.. anyway i have a match of dota first.... then i sms her.. never noe she reply back.... but i had nth to talk to her always.. sad....ok that's it..... is kinda boring for today...nvm... from now on.. i will spend more time in my blog.. so dont mind to see it every week!! ty^^

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