Monday, March 06, 2006

huuray!! first day exam over!!

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, March 06, 2006 | Category: |

dam i have to rewrite again.... ok... hm.... anyway i still have to study science..... since tomorrow exam science...

i will aim for 3 A's maths,science, and english.. this 3 is my main subject...... if i didnt get A , MY I POD IS GONE!!!! FOReVER!!! NOOOO..... lol... XD

ok.. i try to get close to her today.... but too bad im as stupid as ever ( my first lover) and i will not change my mind... since she had a bf.... i will try hard to chase her back.... hopefully 1 day she will accept me..... but too bad i cant speak proper english.... >.<" and when... i talk to her..... i willl like.... '" i cant speak.. cant think of anything.... scare i speak something wrg..... i like her seen last year........and i cant stop thinking of her.... keep hoping to see her everyday sleepy... k that's all for today guys... bye~!

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