Sunday, March 22, 2009

does teenager love last or its just infatuation? based on my thoughts

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, March 22, 2009 | Category: |


     okay people ! you guys must be wondering, why am i posting another topic of love? today I'm gonna talk about a more deeper version of love which most likely involve in many teenagers life base on my experiences. (i know I'm still young but i finally understand and start thinking very maturely)I been receiving calls and message from friends who all face the same problem and i been reading the newspaper a lot. So, basically what I'm gonna talk today is about

"teenager love"

Is not a love with your family or a close friend , which of course you must always love them. I'm talking about the love that we are having now that can kill you. Yes kill you! even faster then cancer or any diseases. Is a very emotionally love that could spoil your whole day,weeks or even months! a love that can crush your heart into million pieces that it makes you feel like it's worse then heart attack! ha ha.. OK maybe not =p. Anyway what I'm trying to say is we are not ready to love as in boy/girl friend.(puppy love) 

Ok before you even start objecting what i say there please continue reading, 

 All the parents in this world, always give us the same advise . " son/daughter , is too early to start a relationship it will ended up a broken heart" . But we NEVER agree with that! right? I personally think that way because in my mind will be " dad mum! what generation are you guys from? OUTDATED PEOPLE! " but i finally realize that love had nothing to do with generation, age or whatever, is base on experiences.

  okay, now for a example. You have a boy/girl friend, you guys fall in love with each other so much that you guys even thought of getting marry! you know his/her parents,siblings cousins and is like you are already a part of their family! but sadly during the third year of relationship something bad happen, your feeling seem to fade away and you starting to treat him/her very cold . You don't know how to tell him/her ! you scare he/she might take a knife and cut her/himself or maybe eat lots of wasabi to death! (lol ok that doesn't make sense haha!) and then that is when you realize that you are still trap in a small room that you need to explore further! therefore you will think that your parents is right after all! is better to start finding love when you start working because you are expose to anywhere! you will start to meet new people with different types of behaviour and attitudes and that's where life is transforming.

   why would we want to start a relationship at such a young age that doesn't last?

"the hottest love has the coldest end!" We know that, is just the fact we still against it! Why would you want your heart get broken and broken and broken while you can have a perfect love later on? you might not think the same now, but you will in the future.

   the same goes to me, i have this crush on this girl when i was form 3 and somehow the relationship never work out and i was like" what did I wrong?" and I'm so sad that i emo-ed for
weeks and till now! yes till now, i still thinking of her. Do you still think of the same girl after 3 years? some might eventually forget and go for another girl but some people will end up feeling depressed for a long time. SO why do you want to suffer? love ALWAYS begins with a smile, grows with a kiss , and eventually it ends with a teardrop!

       in the nutshell, enjoy your teenage life! have fun with your friends, do lots of crazy stuff..why start a relationship now?you might have this feeling that trying to tell you that when you are in love it makes you high! happy or suddenly your whole life changes! but in the end it HURTS more! i not asking you guys to be gay or lesbian , just wait for the right time and eventually it will come to you! you don't need to know how when why or where just have faith in it! but if you really want to "couple" so DESPERATELY ,just do it for fun! don't take it too seriously! (at this age)

     in my case, i will still be loyal to her and  wouldn't want to start any relationships. I promised her to give her valentine's present every year. Maybe when we graduate one day i would ask her out for date and things would be different. I don't know if she thinks the same for now cuz she never couple before but i do hope so! ;D

last quote from Curtis Judalet 

Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never... never forget it.

people do leave comments and give your opinions!!!!! UNDER HERE NOT IN MY CBOX!! (CBOX pun boleh la) haha!

officially done by myself and copyrighted by me YES ME ! (except for that quote)

(andrew tai ka hui )

btw do look at tze hao's why do people cheat?


Currently have 9 comments:


    tell me if you agree or disagree and we can have a debate!

  2. hmmm interesting blog (:
    i agree with you and i kinda disagree with you. recently (or like 1 or 2 months ago) my friend was in a 'relationship'. he was really happy and he took it real serious. he said he was completely in love! I was like "why mate? your 15 and i dont even think she likes you as much as you like her". a couple of weeks later she broke up with him and he was heart broken for weeks and turned into a depressed sod. i do think that it would be better to wait till your older.
    but on the other hand, i think enjoying teenage life involves being 'in love', looking at each other like there your world and being constantly together. everyone as a teenager would most probably want to experience this and personally i think its part of growing up (in some people anyway)
    so, yeh im split down the line. and im sorry to have wrote such a long comment haha. good topic!

  3. hey writer j,

    yes i agree with you . We , as a teenager do want to have our first love and when we are old , we just look back and say " i used to date this girl......."

    but the fact that you can't take a relationship too seriously when you are young at this age .what if the opposite side think differently? you heart will break into pieces and that is why most teenagers suicide nowadays.

    when we get expose to the world our mind will automatically change no matter what!

    so my conclusion is

    is okay to start a relationship but just don't go too far by putting too much commitment because you will never know that things will just change all sudden

    thx for the comment btw writer j, hope to hear from you more.

  4. I had a girlfriend. proper loved her an all.
    Then she started going out every single friday and getting complitely smashed. next was drugs. In the end she ended up kissing two other people.
    That wasn't the end (somehow) and it came to the summer holidays and i didnt see her for ages. then i broke up with her because she was just allways going out and getting drunk and i was still heart broken from when she kissed the other people.

  5. hmmmm i think it can be both. depending on the people, the situation, fate and the inevitable! Great blog! :)

    Come say hey here

  6. e_m_j ,

    just forget about her! she will realize sooner or later that what she done is a mess ! from what you say, her life is pretty screw up! if i were you i would ask her out to the park and discuss about the problem .

    btw you did the right thing, you can find better girls out there! like i say don't take it too seriously!

  7. Nice blog n wonderful posT keep up the good work

  8. Anonymous says:

    hi everyone!!!!i am in a relationship n my dad is against it..there are some conditions that we cant talk on we often send letters to each that ok.reding ur comments,is not thinking too seriously,can solve the problem in a relationship??please sggest me!!

  9. rishy, the only way that you can prove that you guys are really in love with each other is by continuously doing the same thing until the day you have the freedom to meet each other. Thats the only choice now my friend. Sorry for the yearsly late reply haha! things change.... somehow this post remind me of how i used to write it.

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