Wednesday, March 25, 2009

a true story about teenage love

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | Category: |


      okay recently one of my friend face this problem and i would like to share with everyone.(is kinda unlucky month right? lots of people breaking up)

       Okay, there is this boy name A and girl B . They know each other during their first year of college and they ended up together. A is a different race and religion to B but B don't mind cuz she thinks it will be fine (while you are in love , everything to you seem okay without knowing the ending lol)

      They been very happy together , B knows A parents but A doesn't know B parents because B scare that her parents will end up breaking up their relationship due to the race and religion and all. 

     And this is how it goes on for 3 years , (they are not graduated yet) but they went for internship and there's when A starting to feel that B doesn't treat him the same way as it used to be . It goes on for a few months and finally the boy can't stand it and start asking this question. "B, do you still love me?" B was speechless and all she can say is I don't know.There is when A started to feel depressed because he know that B doesn't love him anymore . Another 2 months A asked the same question again but this time he officially end it because he know that she doesn't love him anymore. B given excuses like she scare that it won't end good in the future cuz of her parents . (before that she thinks she will run away from home for LOVE but now her mind just change! why? continue reading)

     He asked to end it, but in his heart . He is not letting it go , so he called B everyday trying to make her guilty for what she done. Day by day he even try to use the knife and cut himself.. blaming god for this and that. Is like he gone mad and can't accept the fact! because he thought that she's gonna be the one .(the story goes up to here , i might update more if i know more info lol

   conclusion is feelings do FADE , and you can't blame it on them! furthermore, they are young and they start making lots of commitment . The girl finally realize she did the biggest mistake of all! so , ;) be mature do the right thing! (so if you think you not mature enough... don't even start a relationship! unless is just another puppy love)

   so if you even get "dumped" please, accept the fact and live on! YES LIVE ON ! don't go annoy the girl/boy which it won't make any differences ! i know sometimes is hard to accept it but what can you do? making their life miserable won't end up good for both parties.

  remember people, life goes on ! keep yourself busy so you can stop thinking of it! before you start any relationship do know whats the outcome ;) 

 a very good example take a look of the video lol


SATURDAY 28 8.30 TO 9.30 ( thx to wan yee lol)  SWITCH OFF YOUR LIGHTS ( not only your room light)

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