Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | Category: |

omg i tried out this new facial package thing near my house. it was only RM 28/29 (i forgot) for the first trial and it was inclusive of foot bath, extraction, some other crap that i cant remember, and lastly, FISH SPA.

so anyway i thought it wouldnt be too bad since both my mum and my brother tried it out yesterday. but apparently, it wasnt satisfactory.

first thing they did was foot bath. which was quite ridiculous. all they did was make you soak your feet in warm salt water. then you wipe it. then you wear some cheap hotel slippers to the facial room. my room was called cactus. wtf? dont ask me why. anyway i realized once i walked into that place that the whole thing smelled of lemon grass. before i entered the facial room place she asked me to smell some boiled thing that "apparently" is supposed to calm you down. GUESS WHAT?! it didnt work.

from wikipedia :

Cymbopogon is a genus of about 55 species of grasses, native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World and Oceania. It is a tall perennial grass. Common names include lemon grass, lemongrass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, citronella grass, fever grass or Hierba Luisa amongst many others.

yeah so right, they asked me to wear this tube thingy like all facial places do and then i lied down on the bed. first thing she did was wash my face and bla bla bla moisturise bla bla bla then the extraction part, which was absolutely stupid. my other facialist (which was waaaaay more pro) only had to prick my skin once to get an oil seed out. but this one, -.- what she did was she pricked and pricked and pricked like dont know what like that. i was going "WTF IS THIS MAD LADY DOING TO MY FACE?!?!" , so i asked her. and she said she had to prick the skin until there's a big hole so that the oil seen can come out. i was like " WTF?! nonsense" the fucking huge hole resulted in a fucking huge pore.

then GUESS WHAT ELSE SHE SAID?! she said, "after your facial you have to tell your mummy to buy you our aloe vera gel to close your pores." SO UNCALLED FOR! you more pro then you dont need to prick such a fucking huge hole on my nose la. no wait, not just one!! but at least 5!! my noseeeeeeeeeeeeeee. dumb bitch. i was scared already la by that time, scared she ruin my nose some more. so i told her to stop. and she told me some crap about oil seed.

it went something like,
lady : "last time i went to ask for oil seed removal and they said it costs 200bucks!"
lady : "and then if you dont remove your oil seeds it will stay under your skin and diffuse inside".
my mind : "stupid bitch. go to hell. my oil seeds always rise onto the surface of the skin and then i scratch it off."

i know she shouldve said the 2nd line before the 1st but i dont know why she said it the other way round. proves she's really dumb. 28/29bucks is just for the trial. the real price is like double of it. anyway what can you expect right, it's quite cheap. the other one i go for is like 115bucks (price increased adey, was 65bucks last time) plus 5bucks eye brow beautifying (i dont know what you call the procedure). and its so freaking worth your money i tell you!

the place is at subang square. it's reaaaally reaaally good. the shop's name is AI AESTHETICS. just enter through the wing facing the ss15 field that side and walk like 15m straight in and the shop is on your right. seriously seriously worth your money. and the beautician is really experienced. ive been with her since i was what? std3?4?

dont give me that look. i used to have really bad skin and thank god for my mum who knew how to take care of me well. i feel thankful for that. =D

oh yeah totally forgot about after the facial. she gave me a nice massage which was like the best part of the whole experience. then she gave me a lemongrass drink. it's actually quite tasty. so after i left the facial place she asked me to smell some other boiled thing again. and "apparently" it was supposed to freshen me up but, TO NO SURPRISE, it didnt work. damn nonsense la i tell you.

then it was fish spa time!! at first i was like freaking scared. i didnt dare to put in my whole leg so i tried with my heel first and it was damn ticklish, and weird, and scary. imagine a whole school of fish nibbling on your leg. omg. i think i can still feel it. O.O so i screamded and squirmed la. and the lady was like "pleaase keep it down, you might disturb the other customers" which indirectly meant "shut the hell up, we don't want the other customers to complain" -.- anyways i took some pictures. they're kinda dark cause when i tried flash, the fishes ran, no i mean SWAM away. sigh.

all in all it was a crazy experience. though i wish i had like a friend with me or something instead of doing it all alone. it wudve been better if someone else was screaming with me, instead of me being ludicrous all alone. the ladies all looked at me as if i was some small kid. not my fault la. my first time right. it's only human to be scared.

and yeah that wraps up my fish spa but not much of a fish spa experience. lol. i have no idea what i just typed. gotta go get some shut eye! it's the 6th sports practice tmr and i feel like just fucking my injury and start training. fuck the misery and get on with life. i told ashwin k. that and he asked me "what if it gets worse?" and i replied "well ill just fuck that too." lol. okaaaay. hope this update was interesting enough! nites!

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