Tuesday, April 14, 2009

apiit smart school sports day 2009

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | Category: |

       OK finally received all the pictures from isyki (thank you isk!)  gonna post up soon. This year is pretty special compare the last one because we ended up doing it in mpsj. To be honest, i prefer last year sports day, there were more fun and more spirit! here are the pics ;D

green house ;D

blue house ( my house) spot the guy thats going diving LOL

red house

yellow house

zehan me

hajar me

how sweet for a girlfriend right? ;)

us ;D

me and this cute girl ;D


      after all the event ended , prize giving time ;)
my silver medal for 4x100m 

syok sendiri

the hot babes ;D

ok that's all for sports day, i got like 600 over pics and I'm just too lazy to post up in the blog! haha just view my facebook if you want to ;)

pics of the day( the day before sports day)

that's all people.. have a great week ;)

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. i sure miss sports day ^ all the fun and cheer!

  2. yeap i'm afraid i will too, is my last year!! haha

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