Wednesday, April 29, 2009

we will find eternal bliss.

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, April 29, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

picture taken in school library , imac.

  For the past 3 days I been doing my oral for BM and English . I did well for my English like i say in my previous post but for BM I really really try hard overall thank god I manage to get a B. For our BM is pretty strict I mean compare to government schools I think the teachers don't even give a dam and just give you a B or a A ? So somehow i just feel life is kinda unfair,but that's not gonna stop us right? ;D Do you know if you don't pass your BM oral you fail your BM test a.k.a fail spm? it's a pretty serious issue here , and if you get C for bm oral and you get A for your BM for spm you will ended up just get a B! omg how crap can this be right? well , i not gonna bother much now, FINALLY I'M DONE! 

   btw i really hate the word 'HUH' i mean who the hell even invented that. lol

ciaoz ppl , australian education trip tomorrow. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

CUPPACAKES ! happy birthday eleena ;D

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, April 27, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

eleena's cupcakes , one thing about cuppacakes . They are freaking sweet , i wonder how much sugar they added in LOL. 

btw happy 17 birthday eleena hope you did enjoy today ;)

and for now I got some problems which need to solve before wednesday , oh god please help me on this one.

oo yea i did awesome for my english oral today, well i know i did well lol. Miss Adeline is like " very good ,i'm gonna give you full marks for this" . oh well when it comes to advatange/disadvantages of internet , i'm the pro ;).

ooo bm, pls make me LOVE YOU ! i mean bahasa malaysia lol

Thursday, April 23, 2009

i'm your guardian angel

Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, April 23, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

English Society Debate 2009 

dauz and his little friend 

look at the second last list. 
stuff to do before i die by the most horny girl in school (probaby malaysia) 

just joking su chin ;)

that's all people.. i got lots lots of work to do. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

School Hour

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, April 21, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

 Life been pretty peaceful this few weeks, no dramas just crazy things in school.

  Teacher took us to the dirty river near the school, to do some experiment. But we ended up going there taking pics, emoing (for some people, really nice view and strong wind) ,make a wish before flipping the coin in the river and so on lol. Well whatever izzit at least we are out of the boring classroom and get some fresh air on a huge bridge.

winnie , me , jem
us + lala gang 

group pic (i'm the one that took the pic so basically i'm not inside )
long story short , unexpected.

so sweet, the bf help to tie gf shoe ;D

march our way back
zehan,hadil,adelin,eleena,aiman and me ;)

"Even if saving you sends me to heaven, It's okay "

haven't been chatting with you for weeks.. totally miss you now ;)


Saturday, April 18, 2009

She wants to touch me Woah!!!

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, April 18, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

        aaaaahhhh dammit, sports week is over and we have to go back to our studies and I'm still in my fantasy mood ! i been trying to set a table or something for my studies and i been delaying it till now. Base on my teacher information i only got 2 and a half days to study each subject? %$$#%^$$#?????


  i was out with my friends to mcd and i see this stupid cigarette box

i mean what's the point? i don't see how it can stop people smoking lol

     Don't you think is good that your parents own a company which make events in mall and you can play everything for free? thx to desmond we ALWAYS get to take pics with models and play anything they provide lol
sunway pyramid (new wing) need for speed ps3.

oo yea now i'm kinda addictive to this song 

3OH!3 - Don't Trust Me

totally awesome! go download ;)

that's all ;)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

apiit smart school sports day 2009

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | Category: | 2 comments

       OK finally received all the pictures from isyki (thank you isk!)  gonna post up soon. This year is pretty special compare the last one because we ended up doing it in mpsj. To be honest, i prefer last year sports day, there were more fun and more spirit! here are the pics ;D

green house ;D

blue house ( my house) spot the guy thats going diving LOL

red house

yellow house

zehan me

hajar me

how sweet for a girlfriend right? ;)

us ;D

me and this cute girl ;D


      after all the event ended , prize giving time ;)
my silver medal for 4x100m 

syok sendiri

the hot babes ;D

ok that's all for sports day, i got like 600 over pics and I'm just too lazy to post up in the blog! haha just view my facebook if you want to ;)

pics of the day( the day before sports day)

that's all people.. have a great week ;)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

tired week ;D

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, April 12, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

    sorry people for not updating for so longgggg, been busy with sports and I'm freaking tired when I reach home ,bed is the only one that can satisfied me haha!
    I'm gonna post up the pics that I currently have, still haven't receive some of them from friends. stay tune!

a pic before going for mssd basketball


getting ready for 4x400m

those pics were taken during Tuesday to Thursday at mpsj where the event took part.

     We have one day rest which is Friday and Saturday would be our sports day , so i kinda chill out with my best friends ;D
Winnie's rabbits (they are brother and sister)

 dam!   I'm so much darker now thanks to the sun!


I'm gonna post about sports day in another post! here just a preview ! haha

alamak i forget to show my medals also ;D 

Monday, April 06, 2009

step up 3 is coming soon!!! by director Jon. chu

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, April 06, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

take A LOOK PEOPLE!!! dam awesome ;D forming a crew around the world !

btw i'm pretty exhausted this week because i'm having mssd basketball and sports day all in the same day.

come and support me at mpsj from tuesday,wednesday,thursday and saturday!
8 to 1 ;D

wish me luck people ;)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Lyn is back ;D

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, April 04, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

    my dear best friend is back! Was really glad to see her again. We went taipan starbuck and chit chat for the whole day, we talked about her love life, experiences in Australia and all . The good thing is she still the same old princess we know . haha!

she gave me and hao this t-shirt! wakakaka awesome right. really love it lyn ;) thanks

   she is going back to Australia in 2 weeks time , really do hope that I could spent more time with her. 
lastly, just a pic with my sis in uno. Is been a long time since i take a pic with her (using my dad new IPHONE WTH!!) jealous lah ;D

for those who own a iphone , there this game call taptap revolution! really cool game . is a two player game and is kinda like 02jam SO TRY IT OUT ;D . i play with my sis like hell haha.

that's all people , I'm going to sleep now . super exhausted ;D