Monday, March 30, 2009

earth hour was wonderful and it will be better next year

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, March 30, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

           How great , is Monday again. I doubt that anyone gonna read blogs in Mondays. School been normal, once again. We are having our sports day in mpsj , really unexpected. Is kinda small to me but well I guess is okay overall.

     It's time to finally realize that I had only a limited period of time to study . If I'm not mistaken (only 6 months?) so probably i would shut this computer down? time to have some inner discipline Andrew! The first thing I always do everyday is when I reach home from school I will switch on the monitor and see if she's online or maybe wondering what's her personal messages means. I starting to think that this is the reason why I been online all the time , it really does slow down my studies. God! why is love so blind? Is been three consistently years and feelings doesn't seem to fade away,how weird can i be. Is not a crush, no if so... love? i shouldn't bother much about it this year , not another emo post right? haha!
have YOU ever seen a guy study with a laptop and start writing notes from text book in centuries?
i am the first one and I'm proud of it haha!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, March 28, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

light up your candles people! ;D 

8.30p.m-9.30p.m         TODAY!

- targeting at least 5 million individuals and corporations as well as building owners and the government.

-Earth Hour has been a huge success – first in Sydney alone in 2007, and then globally last year and it is a testament to show that the simple act of
 people switching off their lights can make a resounding statement for a worthy cause.

Malaysians from all walks of life are strongly encouraged to be a part of this global movement and make a difference in the world that we live in. Sign up for Earth Hour at and make a pledge to switch off your lights now.



btw do anyone know about this series "eli stone" (eli pronouns as e-lai)

now they have season 2 and i really like this show,pretty awesome.

In the pilot, we learn that Eli has a brain aneurysm that causes auditory and visual hallucinations. He hears organ music and sees George Michael singing ''Faith'' in his living room. Yes, the ex-Wham!-ster cameos, and yes, it's a bit McBeal-ish. Yet Berlanti never turns Eli into a caricature or a collection of tics: He may be a buttoned-down shark, but we learn he got that way partly in reaction to his dad (Ed's Tom Cavanagh), an irresponsible alcoholic dreamer. Similarly, Eli's fiancĂ©e (Species' Natasha Henstridge) may be a bombshell and the boss' daughter, but she's not an entitled brat: She is, from the three episodes I've seen, genuinely nice, which amounts to a revelation in prime-time women.

eli stone review

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

a true story about teenage love

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 25, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments


      okay recently one of my friend face this problem and i would like to share with everyone.(is kinda unlucky month right? lots of people breaking up)

       Okay, there is this boy name A and girl B . They know each other during their first year of college and they ended up together. A is a different race and religion to B but B don't mind cuz she thinks it will be fine (while you are in love , everything to you seem okay without knowing the ending lol)

      They been very happy together , B knows A parents but A doesn't know B parents because B scare that her parents will end up breaking up their relationship due to the race and religion and all. 

     And this is how it goes on for 3 years , (they are not graduated yet) but they went for internship and there's when A starting to feel that B doesn't treat him the same way as it used to be . It goes on for a few months and finally the boy can't stand it and start asking this question. "B, do you still love me?" B was speechless and all she can say is I don't know.There is when A started to feel depressed because he know that B doesn't love him anymore . Another 2 months A asked the same question again but this time he officially end it because he know that she doesn't love him anymore. B given excuses like she scare that it won't end good in the future cuz of her parents . (before that she thinks she will run away from home for LOVE but now her mind just change! why? continue reading)

     He asked to end it, but in his heart . He is not letting it go , so he called B everyday trying to make her guilty for what she done. Day by day he even try to use the knife and cut himself.. blaming god for this and that. Is like he gone mad and can't accept the fact! because he thought that she's gonna be the one .(the story goes up to here , i might update more if i know more info lol

   conclusion is feelings do FADE , and you can't blame it on them! furthermore, they are young and they start making lots of commitment . The girl finally realize she did the biggest mistake of all! so , ;) be mature do the right thing! (so if you think you not mature enough... don't even start a relationship! unless is just another puppy love)

   so if you even get "dumped" please, accept the fact and live on! YES LIVE ON ! don't go annoy the girl/boy which it won't make any differences ! i know sometimes is hard to accept it but what can you do? making their life miserable won't end up good for both parties.

  remember people, life goes on ! keep yourself busy so you can stop thinking of it! before you start any relationship do know whats the outcome ;) 

 a very good example take a look of the video lol


SATURDAY 28 8.30 TO 9.30 ( thx to wan yee lol)  SWITCH OFF YOUR LIGHTS ( not only your room light)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

does teenager love last or its just infatuation? based on my thoughts

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, March 22, 2009 | Category: | 9 comments


     okay people ! you guys must be wondering, why am i posting another topic of love? today I'm gonna talk about a more deeper version of love which most likely involve in many teenagers life base on my experiences. (i know I'm still young but i finally understand and start thinking very maturely)I been receiving calls and message from friends who all face the same problem and i been reading the newspaper a lot. So, basically what I'm gonna talk today is about

"teenager love"

Is not a love with your family or a close friend , which of course you must always love them. I'm talking about the love that we are having now that can kill you. Yes kill you! even faster then cancer or any diseases. Is a very emotionally love that could spoil your whole day,weeks or even months! a love that can crush your heart into million pieces that it makes you feel like it's worse then heart attack! ha ha.. OK maybe not =p. Anyway what I'm trying to say is we are not ready to love as in boy/girl friend.(puppy love) 

Ok before you even start objecting what i say there please continue reading, 

 All the parents in this world, always give us the same advise . " son/daughter , is too early to start a relationship it will ended up a broken heart" . But we NEVER agree with that! right? I personally think that way because in my mind will be " dad mum! what generation are you guys from? OUTDATED PEOPLE! " but i finally realize that love had nothing to do with generation, age or whatever, is base on experiences.

  okay, now for a example. You have a boy/girl friend, you guys fall in love with each other so much that you guys even thought of getting marry! you know his/her parents,siblings cousins and is like you are already a part of their family! but sadly during the third year of relationship something bad happen, your feeling seem to fade away and you starting to treat him/her very cold . You don't know how to tell him/her ! you scare he/she might take a knife and cut her/himself or maybe eat lots of wasabi to death! (lol ok that doesn't make sense haha!) and then that is when you realize that you are still trap in a small room that you need to explore further! therefore you will think that your parents is right after all! is better to start finding love when you start working because you are expose to anywhere! you will start to meet new people with different types of behaviour and attitudes and that's where life is transforming.

   why would we want to start a relationship at such a young age that doesn't last?

"the hottest love has the coldest end!" We know that, is just the fact we still against it! Why would you want your heart get broken and broken and broken while you can have a perfect love later on? you might not think the same now, but you will in the future.

   the same goes to me, i have this crush on this girl when i was form 3 and somehow the relationship never work out and i was like" what did I wrong?" and I'm so sad that i emo-ed for
weeks and till now! yes till now, i still thinking of her. Do you still think of the same girl after 3 years? some might eventually forget and go for another girl but some people will end up feeling depressed for a long time. SO why do you want to suffer? love ALWAYS begins with a smile, grows with a kiss , and eventually it ends with a teardrop!

       in the nutshell, enjoy your teenage life! have fun with your friends, do lots of crazy stuff..why start a relationship now?you might have this feeling that trying to tell you that when you are in love it makes you high! happy or suddenly your whole life changes! but in the end it HURTS more! i not asking you guys to be gay or lesbian , just wait for the right time and eventually it will come to you! you don't need to know how when why or where just have faith in it! but if you really want to "couple" so DESPERATELY ,just do it for fun! don't take it too seriously! (at this age)

     in my case, i will still be loyal to her and  wouldn't want to start any relationships. I promised her to give her valentine's present every year. Maybe when we graduate one day i would ask her out for date and things would be different. I don't know if she thinks the same for now cuz she never couple before but i do hope so! ;D

last quote from Curtis Judalet 

Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it, everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, never... never forget it.

people do leave comments and give your opinions!!!!! UNDER HERE NOT IN MY CBOX!! (CBOX pun boleh la) haha!

officially done by myself and copyrighted by me YES ME ! (except for that quote)

(andrew tai ka hui )

btw do look at tze hao's why do people cheat?


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 18, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

OK let's start up with Saturday, just basketball training that's all i can remember ;D. Ooh yeah who took undang already? I'm gonna get L soon AND P ! wish me luck people .. I'M GONNA DRIVE MY VOLVO S40 =P (true okay) haha


went to school for extra class ;D (I'm in the spotlight)

later on Ryan follow me home and where the fun begins buahahaha! we do lots of fun guitar covers. DENISE WAS NOT AT HOME! WHY!! ;D If not we will have another taylor swift . 

beautiful view isn't? JUST SAY YES ( you can only see this in kota kemuning )

please say i LOOK LIKE SORA HERE ;D  (BTW for those who don't know who is sora .. is the main character of kingdom hearts GOOGLE IT )

me,my guitar, the lamp post and my house(lol)! ooh yea and the beautiful stars.

the next day,

my guitar collection ;D (ukulele, acoustic and classical) I'm waiting for my electric =p

later at the night,

i went to Ryan house and stay again. He is one mad creative nerd! ;D I did wrote about him in my last posts

he made a gun out of LEGOS! (sometimes i used to think Lego's are for small kid) BUT WHEN  i see how he make those just change my mind !

his half done space ship 

I'm gonna put this in my room soon, i need presents from Santa Claus :)

oo yea we did make a few covers .. I'm gonna upload in youtube and post up later ;D uber funny !

we went to nzx later, it used to be a very attractive place but now it seem like is closing down sadly.. i feel terrible for people who stays in ara damansara

;D they have all the Disney chac there, but i only take Donald cuz its cool!

oo god! for god sake at least learn how to write properly even you can't speak!

i treat them 100 degree , the steamboat was really good . You get to choose your own soup , temperature, sauces . you guys have to try out!  There this  girl who just sit a row in front us keep peeping at me , sometimes I just hate lala girls . Can't blame haha
we're together! 

last pic.... good hair day ;D


Thursday, March 12, 2009

i want to be the rain ;D

Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, March 12, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

finally my march test is over and another 1 week holiday! everyone loves holiday , don't we? ;D. Today spm results released, seen lots of happy faces and i guess I'm proud of them? ;D for those who did well once again congratulation , for those who didn't do that well... is not the end of the road and in fact is just the beginning ;D

i used to think i was the only one can do this, but i was wrong some can even stick on their ears 
there was a boy who love to pose so much that he don't mind standing under a extremely hot sun ,

there were three boys wondering.."what the Heck is his problem?" LOL ( i just make it out horng don't be mad ha ha!)

  after school we went and celebrate tze hao belated birthday.. nothing much just a pic here

ooh yea BTW i just watched a movie " The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas" is about Jews people trapped in some jail or something and get burn to death. ( is not thriller just a very sad story)
 Bruno is the eight-year-old son of a Nazi officer, and the curious eyes and ears of Mark Herman’s gripping story. When his father is promoted from a desk job in Berlin to commanding a death camp in the middle of nowhere, Bruno can’t fathom the sudden frosty tension between his parents, or why he is forbidden to visit the strange “farm” with the electric fences.

maybe you guys should watch it, is freaking sad seriously.. small kids just don't know anything and you can't blame them for that.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

get to know yourself better ;D

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 11, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have many goals and want to achieve as much as you can. The jobs you enjoy are those that let you burn off your considerable excess energy.

How do you view success:

You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:

You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:

You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

I totally agree with 
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

;D im loyal and still be the same even she doesn't think the same way .

right? (for those who really know me ) :)

test yourself here

grabbed from winnie

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

added another show in my list

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, March 10, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

check out my movie list down there ;D 

or click here 


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | | Category: | 0 comments

omg i tried out this new facial package thing near my house. it was only RM 28/29 (i forgot) for the first trial and it was inclusive of foot bath, extraction, some other crap that i cant remember, and lastly, FISH SPA.

so anyway i thought it wouldnt be too bad since both my mum and my brother tried it out yesterday. but apparently, it wasnt satisfactory.

first thing they did was foot bath. which was quite ridiculous. all they did was make you soak your feet in warm salt water. then you wipe it. then you wear some cheap hotel slippers to the facial room. my room was called cactus. wtf? dont ask me why. anyway i realized once i walked into that place that the whole thing smelled of lemon grass. before i entered the facial room place she asked me to smell some boiled thing that "apparently" is supposed to calm you down. GUESS WHAT?! it didnt work.

from wikipedia :

Cymbopogon is a genus of about 55 species of grasses, native to warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World and Oceania. It is a tall perennial grass. Common names include lemon grass, lemongrass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, citronella grass, fever grass or Hierba Luisa amongst many others.

yeah so right, they asked me to wear this tube thingy like all facial places do and then i lied down on the bed. first thing she did was wash my face and bla bla bla moisturise bla bla bla then the extraction part, which was absolutely stupid. my other facialist (which was waaaaay more pro) only had to prick my skin once to get an oil seed out. but this one, -.- what she did was she pricked and pricked and pricked like dont know what like that. i was going "WTF IS THIS MAD LADY DOING TO MY FACE?!?!" , so i asked her. and she said she had to prick the skin until there's a big hole so that the oil seen can come out. i was like " WTF?! nonsense" the fucking huge hole resulted in a fucking huge pore.

then GUESS WHAT ELSE SHE SAID?! she said, "after your facial you have to tell your mummy to buy you our aloe vera gel to close your pores." SO UNCALLED FOR! you more pro then you dont need to prick such a fucking huge hole on my nose la. no wait, not just one!! but at least 5!! my noseeeeeeeeeeeeeee. dumb bitch. i was scared already la by that time, scared she ruin my nose some more. so i told her to stop. and she told me some crap about oil seed.

it went something like,
lady : "last time i went to ask for oil seed removal and they said it costs 200bucks!"
lady : "and then if you dont remove your oil seeds it will stay under your skin and diffuse inside".
my mind : "stupid bitch. go to hell. my oil seeds always rise onto the surface of the skin and then i scratch it off."

i know she shouldve said the 2nd line before the 1st but i dont know why she said it the other way round. proves she's really dumb. 28/29bucks is just for the trial. the real price is like double of it. anyway what can you expect right, it's quite cheap. the other one i go for is like 115bucks (price increased adey, was 65bucks last time) plus 5bucks eye brow beautifying (i dont know what you call the procedure). and its so freaking worth your money i tell you!

the place is at subang square. it's reaaaally reaaally good. the shop's name is AI AESTHETICS. just enter through the wing facing the ss15 field that side and walk like 15m straight in and the shop is on your right. seriously seriously worth your money. and the beautician is really experienced. ive been with her since i was what? std3?4?

dont give me that look. i used to have really bad skin and thank god for my mum who knew how to take care of me well. i feel thankful for that. =D

oh yeah totally forgot about after the facial. she gave me a nice massage which was like the best part of the whole experience. then she gave me a lemongrass drink. it's actually quite tasty. so after i left the facial place she asked me to smell some other boiled thing again. and "apparently" it was supposed to freshen me up but, TO NO SURPRISE, it didnt work. damn nonsense la i tell you.

then it was fish spa time!! at first i was like freaking scared. i didnt dare to put in my whole leg so i tried with my heel first and it was damn ticklish, and weird, and scary. imagine a whole school of fish nibbling on your leg. omg. i think i can still feel it. O.O so i screamded and squirmed la. and the lady was like "pleaase keep it down, you might disturb the other customers" which indirectly meant "shut the hell up, we don't want the other customers to complain" -.- anyways i took some pictures. they're kinda dark cause when i tried flash, the fishes ran, no i mean SWAM away. sigh.

all in all it was a crazy experience. though i wish i had like a friend with me or something instead of doing it all alone. it wudve been better if someone else was screaming with me, instead of me being ludicrous all alone. the ladies all looked at me as if i was some small kid. not my fault la. my first time right. it's only human to be scared.

and yeah that wraps up my fish spa but not much of a fish spa experience. lol. i have no idea what i just typed. gotta go get some shut eye! it's the 6th sports practice tmr and i feel like just fucking my injury and start training. fuck the misery and get on with life. i told ashwin k. that and he asked me "what if it gets worse?" and i replied "well ill just fuck that too." lol. okaaaay. hope this update was interesting enough! nites!

Monday, March 09, 2009

passion touch delightful

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, March 09, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

        hello people , the only reason why i blog all the time is when i have pictures . haha pretty much i gonna post those up soon. I made many sacrifices this year , yes i'm gonna admit that .

1) I decline all my friends invitation to go anywhere .
2) I eventually stop all the games just to focus on my studies
3) I study everyday ! ( i never study in the past) but now it seem like i  finally touch the book

Time is really short for me now but i will score for my spm ;)

random pics lol

ooo yeahh i just realise a cool feature by facebook !

check this out

seee the bottom right! u can chat when your friends is using facebook the same time as you! is kinda like the new msn + myspace or whatever lol! 

Thursday, March 05, 2009

when you wish upon a star , yes! dreams do come true ;D

Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, March 05, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fullfillment of their secret love
Oh,it's like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through

When you wish upon a star
Your dream comes true

If your heart is in your dreams
No request is to extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do

Woahh, when you wish upon a star
your dreams comes true

new blog music >> if you hate it just press the STOP button ;D but i really do hope that you finish listening to it . It may be classic but is still a song that inspire many people in this world including me ;)

btw people don't forget about earth hour once again ;D

Monday, March 02, 2009

top 5 list of love movies !

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, March 02, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

wazzup people ! school been very normal except ryan been very crazy jumping around with my help recording him school-our around (park our) instead of the park we do it in school lol! 

is been raining a lot this few days don't you think? ;D 

check out my tie ;D look smart isn't it hahahaha!

ok, stick to the main point today. 

Last year, a unforgettable 2008 was the year that i catch up with all the love movies . Hell yeah i watch a lot! Almost all the movies i watched , of course some were so boring i fell asleep but some almost make me burst into tears BUT i never cry ;D 

i show u my list of the best love movies after this .

I went to bubble gump with my family last Sunday in the curve

i took this while I'm on my way up . Full of quotes from the movie "forest gump" which i will talk about it later !

now for the food!


RUN!!!! get OUT! lol ;D

so people ! go with your family! i would like to go with my friends! is kinda reasonable actually ;D


1) titanic
Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton) is a somewhat ruthless treasure
 hunter searching for profit under the sea in the debris of
 the wrecked liner Titanic. In particular, he is searching for a
 necklace featuring an historic blue diamond that is rumoured
 to have sunk with the ship. He believes he is on the right
 track when his crew retrieves a safe in which he finds a
 sketch of a beautiful woman wearing the diamond. The
 drawing is shown on a TV news programme, and an old lady
 called Rose Dawson Calvert (Gloria Stewart) comes forward
 claiming that she is the woman in the drawing. When
 questioned by the treasure hunters, she tells them her

who the heck can beat titanic? for those idiots that haven't watch it .. WATCH IT! and for those who haven't watch it for ages .. WATCH IT AGAIN! is one of the best and so far i think nothing can beat titanic... especially the part where they play that titanic song.. your tears can fall out easily like water lol !

2) the notebook

The movie focuses on an old man reading a story to an old woman in a nursing home. The
 story he reads follows two young lovers named Allie
 Hamilton and Noah Calhoun, who meet one evening at a carnival. But they are separated
 by Allie's parents who dissaprove of Noah's unwealthy family, and move Allie away. After waiting for Noah to write
 her for several years, Allie
 meets and gets engaged to a handsome young soldier named Lon. Allie, then, with her
 love for Noah still alive, stops
 by Noah's 200-year-old home that he restored for her, "to see if he's okay". It is evident that
 they still have feelings for each
 other, and Allie has to choose between her fiancĂ© and her first love.

get this movie too! is really really touching movie . and I'm sure the girls would cry for this movie! a guy that never gave up a girl for the whole life? how i wish i am !

3) Forest Gump

Gump, gifted with a low IQ which lets him be adorably childlike even as he grows up, leads a very charmed life: a mother who loves him immensely and who sleeps with the school principal in order to make sure her child has the best education, a miraculous incident that eliminates the need for him to have braces for his legs, a childhood girlfriend who remains faithful to him till the end, surviving Vietnam with a medal, and, in general, a propensity for turning everything that happens to him into good.

This is the one I'm talking about ! classic yet one of the best! for those who haven't watch pls do and after watching go makan in bubba gump ! LOL ! serious people! 

4) a walk to remember

Landon Carter (Shane West) is
 a big name in the school in-crowd - an aimless, moody,
 troublemaker who breezes through school making the
 most of his popularity. One
 night, he dares a boy to jump
 into a reservoir in order to
 join his gang. When the prank
 goes wrong with the boy
 ending up in hospital, Landon
 is given community service to
 do - he is assigned to tutor
 disadvantaged students on the
 weekends and to participate in
 the Drama Club's spring play. This throws him together with
 Jamie Sullivan (Mandy Moore), a girl who he has known all his
 life but ignored.

I'm sure everyone know this? go ahead to watch i malas to describe every thing! is about this girl who inspire a naughtily dude.

5) secret - by jay chou
Jay Chou's directorial debut is named Secret - which is a dead giveaway right there. Based on that title, you should know that there's some lingering piece of information in the film that turns this seemingly earnest youth romance into an overwrought sob-fest. Secret needs its secret. Without it, the film would probably be irretrievably boring, plus no secret means no hook. If there isn't an acute conflict placing this idealized romance in jeopardy, then nobody is getting their money's worth; the audience may as well be flipping through a photo book of dope Jay Chou pictures. The downside: Secret can easily be spoiled by any in depth discussion. As such, I'll try to make sense in this review without giving away too much. That's harder than it sounds.
this hot girl act inside the show WOAH! ;D alice tzeng

i know this sounds weird but this is the only love movie i like by chinese !! awesome show really have to watch for those who haven't watch this ;D the ost rock ! i listen to it and study lol

just promise me you guys are gonna watch it okay? ciaos! if you want the movies you can get from me ;) 



Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | | Category: | 0 comments



p/s : if you're a srikl red house member, please do promote it! anywhere will do. thanks again!