Sunday, May 31, 2009

omg i love you man is hilarious!

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, May 31, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

 yo wazzup people just came back from sunway pyramid , the movie was awesome no doubt about it , you guys should watch!

ooh yeah probably gonna update about my last friday teachers day after i get the pics . Btw terminator salvation is so-so is kinda confusing or maybe because i miss some parts overall is average to me ;)

I GOT EXTRA CLASS FOR A WEEK MAN ! dam while you guys could be at home!

nvm have fun people ;D ciaoz

Monday, May 25, 2009


Posted by andrewtai | Monday, May 25, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

click on the episodes playlist ! WATCH FROM EPISODE 1 TO 7 AND SMI FINAL !! don't miss anything people! they are really really talented that will blow your mind 

my favourite!! watch their episode 3 audition!!!

oo yea do support my friend (horng) newest online store!!

I'm happy as long as you are , it doesn't matter even you don't love me

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

"What happens when she's your Cinderella, but you're not her prince charming?"

      All I hope is just to know your problems so I could be there for you because it makes me feel better when I'm someone who you can share your problems with . I can't stand seeing you sad , even I'm nobody to you because you are somebody to me. I would give up everything for a moment with you, for a moment is better than a lifetime of not knowing you. You are special , unique and definitely the girl i fall for unlike any others. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

KRIS ALLEN the winnier of american idol 2009

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, May 24, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

last Saturday I went to sunway pyramid to get some books from popular and I saw this break dance competition . I'm amazed with the talent that Malaysia got ;) , totally respect.

school was okay while students trying to release stress by using the projector and do all kinda of funny stuff .

Thursday night right after tuition in winnie house , i have to wait for my parents outside usj 12 school,Totally bring back memories.

Friday right after school, catch up with my old friend in nzx , we have apple donut there. (rhys)

yesterday, which is Saturday night . We have a family gathering in my house. (steamboat and bbq)

uncle play the piano  , he is a totally awesome pianist btw

and they went back at 3am in the morning , adults was half drunk and the children's was like dying to sleep lol.

that's all for the whole week people ;D

btw if you are a Kris Allen fan , please do view my video in youtube ! Comment and rate it.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dear viewers , having exam now

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, May 20, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

    I will be back after having fun with my exam

old pic

trying to *wink*

Sunday, May 10, 2009

happy mother's day to my dearest mum

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, May 10, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

          OK Saturday night was crazy , it might be the same as every Saturdays but this time I'm gonna post about it . ;D We went to the curve , the apartment . The food is so so just that their chicken liver Pâté was awesome but la bodega still the best . We enjoy our red wine and later on we went to Bavarian. It's a pub where my dad let us try three different type of german beer and sausages. Hoegaarden grand cru, julius and speciale if i not mistaken . I like speciale it most because it bring the taste of  mild and simple. Try that next time people!                                different type of sausages and beer( I'm half drunk)

sis and my crazy open mum 

mum dad ( you guys the best ;D)

that would be me desperately hunting for beers

after that we went for ICE CREAM , we were searching for haagen dazs but too far so we ended up in swensen . That time my head was like earthquake in my mind.

THEN we go mamak for drinks. LOL 

For those who know my dad , food is almost his life . That's why we have more then 6 meal a day just following him around and eat ,Thx god i don't grow fat.

btw, happy mother's day to all mothers! Cheers to you!

Friday, May 08, 2009

disney hannah montana rock bersama shila in apiit smart school

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, May 08, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

There is this concert in our school last 3 days ago , i thought was kinda childish and all and the form 5 won't be going in but ended up everyone is inside and shila is hot ;D . 

   Before the concert ,

we study 

few minutes before the concert,


camera girl with the pics ;)

during the event ,
he started up the concert.

asking kids to dance like MONTANA

"best of both world"
here comes the hot babe Shila!

shila fans 

first game : act like hannah montana
this small kid really know how to attract attention! haha

second : who sing the best? 

the teachers sing 

this girl won the chance to be in tv and she is the one that bring the concert to apiit!
oh thank you! at least we don't need to study 

Shila - memori tercipta
the song that lead her to runner up in 1 in a million and winner of lots of singing competition.

"can we have your number?"
while she singing , we asked for her number .
she said she scare that her boyfriend will go mad haha!

she's really tall (maybe she wear high boots)
18 and the half this year!
and she is in the coca cola advertisement cammilah!
She speak awesome english and chinese too cuz she was from a chinese school when she is in primary
wowow she looks hot but i wonder how she looks without make up . 
check her up in youtube!

that's all i have people even the concert is longer then what i wrote.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

No title or probably just " life "

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, May 03, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

    Sometimes , don't you think is frustrated just to think a title for a post? especially when is just another normal daily post. So yeah forget about . 

    This week is pretty relief , after going for the Australian education trip . I started to feel like I really need to think about my future , I want scholarships for the sake of my future and not burden my parents even they can afford.  Therefore I will limit my blogging time and no more 24 hours msn messenger online which i always put away that doesn't make any differences anyway .I really hope I can disiplin myself and start taking it seriously.

     I'm 17 this year , probably the last year of high school and somehow I feel like I didn't really achieve anything as a teenager. I feel like starting all over again and redo all my mistake I done, I mean we are only here a short period of  time. So my dear juniors , do whatever teenagers do , experience first love and probably doing the most crazy thing you ever done , it might be too late to look back one day because you have to be mature and get on with life. You might have friends now, but in a few years time you are the one that gonna compete with them so things would be wayyyyy different. In a nutshell , live your life the way you want it to be, is your rights and dignity.

Robert Byrne: Quote about Life
The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."  

 Got this pic while playing basketball , sometimes i just love watching the clouds. 

Btw, viewers . Do you guys mind to at least post something in my cbox when you view my blog? I mean my view is constantly the same and yet i don't see any comments . Oo well probably another boring post huh? ;)


totally imba show ;D

Saturday, May 02, 2009

nick says : take a chill pill

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Saturday, May 02, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

sorry for not updating since forever, even though i know all of you people dont give a shit but whatever. that's what everyone says when they have not been updating for a long time. a common courtesy i guess? well, most of you who DO care will know why i have not been updating. yes, my mom confiscated my comp. because she caught me being my usual self, using the comp even though i still have undone homework. but its good anyway. ive tried restricting myself to using the comp only when absolutely necessary. i even tried cello taping my comp, since its a laptop. but it doesnt work. so now since its confiscated i can only use it when absolutely necessary. which creates shit loads of extra time for me to do my hw and study. but instead of studying i read my story books. heh.

recent happenings :-
1. volleyball mssd was great. even though i didnt do shits. no wait, i cheered. HAH. and i got a free gold medal. srikl volleyball u18 girls got champions this year mannnn! like finally! we all cried last year when we lost. but this year it was like IN YOU FACE MANNNNN! haha. 14-11 weih. at first srikl was like 11 n seri kembangan was 14. and to win u gotta get 15 lah. and then su anne put her vball skills to action, and we increased the score to 14-14. and then 15-15 (i think) so deuce la. AND WE WON 16-15 NYAAHAHAHAHA. everyone was fucking happy. when it was 15-15 right the whole seri kembangan school was like being damn noisy n barbaric, cheering for their school team. and once we won right, everyone was like BOOOOOOOOOOO and then they shut up. haha. nothing to say.
2.RED HOUSE GOT 2ND PLACE FOR SPORTS! (if youre thinking why im even giving a shit about my sports house its because im one of the committee members and i helped with the 2nd place accomplishment. =D)
3. i was the dj for the red house cheerleaders. btw to all red cheerleaders im sorry the 1st track got screwed up, but seriously it wasnt my fault AT ALL. the fucking machine jz tripped. and i didnt even touch it. im just apologizing on behalf of the fucking screwed up machine that ruined your intro. but you guys got first anyway right. =D imagine if next year's red hse cheerleaders get champion again. it'll freaking be like, half a decade of red hse cheerleading champions maaan. (to all '10 red cheerleaders, NO PRESSURE. ;D )
4.actually there arent many happenings la.
5. red house party is tomorrow and i cant fucking go because i have a fucking mother's fucking day family dinner to attend. like it makes a fucking big difference if i dont go. fuck. my parents cant see that the party's more important to me because theyre just being fucking selfish and fucking full of bullshit. so what if they cant fetch me. i can always find my own fucking transport. they cant see that its my last year and that its the only year i get to attend a sports house party. fucking hell. as you can see im quite pissed now and according to nickliu i really need to take a chill pill.

i think i should uploads some pics. but im too lazy. and i gotta do add math. sigh. another time la.