Tuesday, February 17, 2009

last day of funeral , memorable day

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, February 17, 2009 | Category: |

 finally 6 days of praying and entertaining guests is over.We sent our grandma body to her beautiful grave in nirvana memorial park , kajang which is an hour ride there. I CRIED , yes i won't be ashame of that.I haven't been crying for more then 5 years and yet this situation stopped me from being strong. Full of regretness lies deep inside my heart, soul , she was the one that taken cared of me for 12 years and i wasn't grattitude for it. She had lots of friends, in fact more then you can imagine. Because she is always friendly ,helping people when they needed  and a very active,strong person. She loves to help and never expect a reward nor a compliment. She is the greatest person in this world to me and her guardiance will remain deep inside of me and pass on in the future .For the past 7 years,all sudden she was diagnose with cancer , a very rare cancer that even the doctor had no idea how to cure her. But she stays strong, and survived many years. But since i left her, i never even bother to visit her often .. giving excuses like i'm pretty busy with my new school life. I know deep deep inside her heart, she was very dissapointed in me. Slowly the past 6 days past by.. friends visiting her will come to me and say " ka hui ! your grandma loves you the most! she always talk about you! " she was very proud to have a grandson like me , and i didn't even bother. Now i miss her so much and so much to tell her! 

I still remember she never misses my birthday.( i know is kinda childish .. power ranger? what you expect i was a kid )

    All i can do now is pray that she would have a good life in heaven and bless our family.I shall miss her terribly, and I'm not ashamed to admit I'm shedding a tear as write this. I still remember we put her favourite teddy bear inside the coffin...that makes everyone cried like hell. She was a good grandma and a mother to all of us and i will never forget what she done for us.If only i can listen to her last few words...... R.I.P ma....

i didnt really take any pictures, because i was very very sad and exhausted.. but here is a pic or two

huge dragon 
small waterfall ?

i just can't type anymore.. that's all

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