Saturday, February 07, 2009

charmaine tagged me.

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Saturday, February 07, 2009 | Category: |

Tagged by charmaine =D
Directions :
Once you've been tagged, you have to list down 16 random things, habits or goals about you. At last, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

1. im retarded.
2. i love chocolate. quite tempted to go get em now but too im just too damn lazy to walk. it's so faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.
3. i still dont know what to study. as in, i dont know whats my ambition. this is NOT good.
4. i must study hard for my igcse exams.
5. my room is a freaking mess.
6. i plan to never be a housewife. i cant do housework for shits.
7. im taking a break from studying chemistry.
8. i want to see marcus leong's tattoo la dammit.
9. i can't freaking wait to leave msia =D
10. i can never teach someone who's stupid cause i really don't have that much patience. but i won't mind teaching someone who can understand stuff really fast.
11. i have parents who are fucking paranoid. -.-
12. currently talking to kahui and he wants me to bake for him during valentines. aiyoh damn lazy lah. need to study sumore.
13. i miss roger chew lih jian.
14. i played a bit of volleyball today.
15. i made loadsa new friends during red house training today.
16. i got paint on my palms today wtf cause zhen kit's brain and mouth coordination wasnt fast enough to warn me about it. pfft.

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