Sunday, July 23, 2006

what an idiotic day..

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, July 23, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hai.. today.. wake up early morning.. go basketball training....... bloody hell coach didnt come..... after...all those gay training.. then 20 pumping 20 sit up....... dam gay.... so tired.... then later.... me jun weng jeffrey adam.. go to visit that dobus ship?.... dunno that's lame... stupid odl ship... i taught is gonna be big... but not at alll!! i took some pic... here.. hahaha

see?... thousands of ppl.. just to see this dam lame shiP??? u must be kidding hahaha...
there is the ship... small right?.. u may see is big.. but acually is dam small!!=.="....

hahaha.... this 1 they have there... ask us to donate ...... i keep throwing my 1 cent.... wow.. that winnie the pooh shirt guy.. is dam bloody rich.. he throw all his coins in.. see it rolling rolling..... haha... ^^

..........hahah that ice cream jun weng holding... is dam nice!! u onli can eat it 4 years once!! XD anyway thx for holding that ice cream for me =.+"

lastly.. is me nad jun weng.. taking pic.. i know i know.. im ugly or whatever.. =.+" who cares..... we are finally out from that dam ship.. PHEW...thx god... XD

anyway that's all about today.. i went to buy something for my dear.... that make my wallet empty....Lol.... who cares... most important i buy her something.. ^^ everyday think of her.. hahhaa...

later.. went dinner wif parents and im back.. that's it... XD

Saturday, July 22, 2006

hi!! check out my new template ;)

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, July 22, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

wahahaha geng ler?... whatever =.=".... i know it suk... so.. may leave a rating.. hahaha
anyway about today... hm... i wake up early this morning... go tze hao house... HAHAH..... his mum let me in ... his door locked.. the mum use key unlock it... then i go it... knock the toilet door.. HAHAH!! TZE HAO HALF NAKED..loL...HE LIKE WTF!! WTF!!!! then faster close the door.... then he go marah his mum... XD... Lol... then after that ... drank a milo in tze hao house then we go usj6 play bb..... walau... we are lost man.... that tze hao keep using my phone call. untill no credit already =.=" he say he gonna pay me back rm5!!! but didnt.. dam him.... then later finally we reach to that padang.... play a 5v5 match i think... i sub out sub in.. =.=' ... then got a uncle come and scold us... say we shout too loud!! .....then we all play like some quietly....... then after before i and tze hao walk home.. we play za ren? dunno.. kill ppl lar... is where u shoot the ball in.. if not... u let ppl shoot u are out!! i always reach to quater final!! hahah how lucky am i.. they all say i kai onli.. =.=" nth to say.... haha.. then i and tze hao walk home... then... he bloody hell go spoil my timberland bag T_T...THAT GAY!! ME ,him and his mother take hrs just to fix my bag =.='.... i go take a bath... wth no hot water?.. who cares... then later wait my parents come fetch me lor... then go to that dam british council.... i taught no need go already.. becus im dam late!!... and i hate that teacher that tech us!! but good news... when i reach there.. they change to another teacher!! which is not fierce... weee!! but i still hate to go there.. is all the lame chineses or malay freaks.... so lame!! all nerds... play psp.... talk crap.. =.='.. nth to say.. i just hate british council.... somemore i didnt eat breakfast.. in class.. halfway my stomach... "gloooooo'.... =.=' i think got ppl look at me... dun care lar.. after got 10 minutes break.. faster rush down and get a nugget.. not i die liao =.=".....then later... after the dam class.... i call my dad he say will come in another 20 minutes.. so i just use the com in british council... beside me got some idiot go listen high school muscial song...' breaking free' SING SO
LOUD SOMEMORE....DAM SOHAI LOL... then someone ask him to quite... =.=.. i was just beside him man.... then dad call me.. i go out from that gay place... and wait for my dad car.. meet up my old friend rais!!!... hahah same primary school... that rich ass... dun want talk aobut it.. long story.. then.. later dad fetch me already.. then go fetch my mum and sis in klcc.... then hm... dad knowi m hungry.. we go to shang ri la hotel.. eat buffet.. woo.... but sien already lar.. everytime eat this de... got italian,malaysian,chinese food...and japanese... of course ;)........ then eat untill woooo dam full =.=" after bill come out rm230... =.=" normal la.r... always eat that much de... then go grandma house to visit my grandma... wow.. i do meet her man... i sleep in her bed untill we gtg.... too sleepy =.="... then reach then chat wif my dear.... ^^ wahahah what a day.... while reading a news about that datuk' k wife ask for rm4m... sad case... stupid go marry siti !!.. dunno what mans.. thinking these days,, =.="

ok that's it!! haha longggggggggggggg post... ^^

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

wow.. weird day today is..

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, July 19, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

yesterday.... my dear.. didnt online.. how sad izzitt man.. school... like normal days... just that i got alot of problems.. in my mind.... hm...and eh...after school.. cant wait to see dear lor... then reach there.. addy ask me to go over there.. taught problem solve.... end up...........he ask for another fight...tmr we gonna 1 on 1 anyway.. hope tmr problem can solve.. and that's it.. over!! i and my dear happily each other.. noo one can disturb us... Lol.. then i go home onli lor.. reach home.. i was surprise that dad.. come home so early!! dad mum.. watchng tv.. =.=... anyway later... they went out buy salads.. i think.. then buy us mcdonald :D... yeah !! .... Lol... i havent eat it..keep my burger for later.. not hungry stil.. hm... ^^ thats' all i think.. oh ya.. chat wif... my dear FATHER... WOW...... cant believe it.... never know uncles are so modern these days... haha.... anyway i think that's it... for today.. continue tmr...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

well just blog..

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, July 18, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

haha.. someone ask me to blog... so i just do it... ^^... anyway let me see..... about today... hm.. not really much... like normal.. days... just that.... tze hao been joking aorund like an idiots... as always... and eh... after school.. cant wait to see my sis and eh... my dear lor... Lol.... didnt reali chat wif her much....bus come.. and i dunno what im doing... just go near her.. she hold my hand.. then let go. .then i go in my bus.. and im back.. =.+........after tuition.. chat wif her again lor.. that's it... and.. hm.. maybe this sunday im going to. eh.. port klang?... to see some stuff.. wif jeffrey... and alot more Lol....

still looking for a And 1 team.. my team suk.. so im looking for another 1... Lol!!! ^^

Sunday, July 16, 2006

just realise something..

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, July 16, 2006 | Category: | 1 comments

well.. after today morning basketball practice...... i just realise that... im really a losuy bb player.... ....and in the evening i went out and play again.....and makes me think im even lousier..... hai..... i been playing basketball for 6 years.... maybe i didnt train hard.. i could say that.. ppl can be 10 times better then me by 1 year..... but me?.. been 6 years of playing.. and had not improve..... what a loser.... hai.. so now im training up and chase up... i will be a school team in my school and wont let ppl look down at me anymore.. 1 day.... 1 day man..

Saturday, July 08, 2006

saturday... boring day (anyway is about her) ^^

Posted by andrewtai | Saturday, July 08, 2006 | Category: | 1 comments

well... let's start with the pass ..... from


welll like normal days.. i cant remember anything anyway hahaha.. i just remember after school,... bus fetch us to usj13.. and i saw a girl.... 0_0 that keep making me stare on her... anyway since so many boys talk to her... then i think... she must be popurlar...nah.. forget about it....


well... i ask zi jie about her... he told me everything... but still i want to noe her as a friend....i even ask my pet sis... vivi about her....then i was hoping to see her again


hahah......went back home.. zi jie start a conversation with me and her.. so i chat with.. her .......... in my mind is like... all mix up.. i dunno what to say... that's happen when i talk to a girl... sad right.? lol.... so i manage to chat to her untill 4am in the morning.. not reali a fun conversation... becus.. im such a loser... u noe....... dissapointed of myself.... that cant think much to talk to her...

at night i chat wif her again lor but.... not long .. because i cant stand the sleepyness. that night talk to her untill 4am.... i wans half sleep when i was chatting wif her ahahaha anyway..try to practice my guitar so that wont make me so sleepy lol.... then finally she sleep Lol.... then onli i sleep........anyway i ask for her num and i sms her.. but she rpely me too ^^ so i can sleep in peace

saturday, today

well wake up go for guitar practice hope she will online.. anyway i have a match of dota first.... then i sms her.. never noe she reply back.... but i had nth to talk to her always.. sad....ok that's it..... is kinda boring for today...nvm... from now on.. i will spend more time in my blog.. so dont mind to see it every week!! ty^^