Monday, December 07, 2009

UK is cold

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, December 07, 2009 | Category: |

I'm still freaking jet lagged from my uk trip. I watched about 10 movies on my flight to uk and back from uk. Yeahh, I didn't sleep much. (500) days of summer is pretty nice, all about steve is heee-lerrr-eeee-us, the time traveller's wife is awesome.. I can't remember the others but they were all pretty good.

So while in London, I stayed at this place called Two Hyde Park Square. It sucks!! Maybe cause it was cheap. 90pounds per night. It's considered quite expensive lah, but it's like the cheapest around already. Super small service apartment, super disgusting, super dirty (maybe cause i'm kinda like a clean freak). Can't believe i didn't think of taking a picture of the place to show everyone. I didn't dare to step on the floor unless I was wearing slippers, didn't dare to sit on the couch, a few towels had like blood stains on it which was ABSOfuckingLUTELY DISGUSTING. EWW MAN, the always only replace 2 towels eventhough there were 4, the toilet was teeny weeny tiny, the cupboard was dusty (yeah i so did wiped them with wet tissue), i slept on a freaking sofabed and I had to share it with my brother ANDDD I had to wash dishes (I don't really mind lah, BUT WITHOUT RUBBER GLOVES?! detergent hurts you know). The upside was the fact that i got to watch shit loads of spongebob squarepants and H20(some show about mermaids, quite interesting watching them hold their breath in water for so long, and there's a hot guy).

omg its almost 5am already. I should get some sleep, gotta wake up at like, shit I forgot what time. Going off to Ipoh later for my uncle's wedding. Will update again with pictures and stuff. I took so many random pictures, and probably like 100pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Heeeeee.

Note to self : make a to-do list

we do not look alike :)

yours truly,

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