Thursday, June 11, 2009

White Wedding

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Thursday, June 11, 2009 | Category: |

so i passed my undang today. 45/50 weihhh. not bad righttt? damn thankful i passed. was super nervous. hands all sweaty and everything.

aaaaaand, ka hui passed HIS undang yesterday. congrats ka hui! yes i know, you beat me. ka hui got 47/50. whatever la. bottom line : we PASSED. its like a big ass burden has been lifted off me.

i said big ass burden, but i didnt say there wasnt more. GUESS WHAT? i have my grade7 piano practical exam tomorrow. AND GUESS WHAT? i have to wake up at 6.30am. GUESS WHAT? im going to Singapore after the exam. that's if i manage to renew my passport tmr morning. GUESS WHAT? im going to the kastam bla bla bla place to renew my passport tmr. GUESS WHAT? im super damn nervous for tmr's exam. ughh. at leaaaaaaast after the holidays i can like fully concentrate on IGCSE. sounds good right? WELL ITS NOT.

anyway today was damn hectic. OH AND GUESS WHAT? i havent packed for Singapore yet. -.-" later la. blog first. okay anyway yeah today was freaking hectic. woke up, ate, went for undang, went to bangsar for english tuition, went to mum's physio (she hurt her back), went to change dad's car's tyres, ate bak kut teh while waiting, came back, had chem tuition, bathed, practiced piano, and now here.

so i guess you might still be wondering about the post title. well, when i was in bangsar today, we passed by all this bridal shops and all. they like clumped together in a group. so everywhere you turn there was a bridal shop. and then i started wondering, WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE TO HAVE WHITE WEDDINGS? and i googled it.


Women Haven't Always Been Marrying in White

In fact, in the grand scheme of things, the tradition isn't even all that old. The white wedding dress of today is deep-seated tradition, and for many is worn to signify virtue as well as uphold tradition. Millions - in fact billions - of women all over the world start thinking about the perfect white wedding gown before they have even found the perfect partner.

Britain is a place that is rife with traditions and legends, so it is little wonder that the tradition of the white wedding dress was started by the English Monarchy. It was the wedding of Queen Victoria that spawned the interest and popularity of white wedding dresses as we know them today.

Queen Victoria married Albert of Saxe in 1840, and wore what would then have been considered a flamboyant white gown. Of course, this did not start the tradition immediately; however, many women saw this as a statement of class and style, and copied the Queen by also getting married in white.

The white wedding dress in those days had nothing to do with being virtuous - it was all about wealth. Getting married in a white, extravagant gown was a sign that you could afford to buy a dress that you would never be able to wear again because of its style and color (whites were not easy to clean in those days as they are today!).

Of course, women still continued to be married in various colors and styles of dress - it was only the vain and the wealthy that insisted on white to follow in the footsteps of the wealthy Monarch. However, during Edwardian times, the white wedding dress once more soared to new heights of popularity, as Coco Chanel unveiled its new knee-length white wedding dress, complete with extravagant train.

Even so, with the depression that followed World War I and the approach of World War II, many women continued to make do with whatever type of dress they could afford, and this went on for decades. Some women would marry in simple white dresses, which could then be dyed and used as an everyday dress. Again, it was only the fabulously wealthy that could really afford to splurge on an elaborate gown.

However, from the 1950s onwards, as the world watched Hollywood stars, royalty and members of high society get wed in stunning white gowns, the tradition of white became signed and sealed.

Wedding Dresses of Different colors: A Bit of Folklore

As with many other things in life, there is much folklore and legend surrounding the various other colors that brides have been known to wed in. One old rhyme seems to sum up these notions:

Married in white, you have chosen all right.
Married in green, ashamed to be seen.
Married in red, you will wish yourself dead.
Married in blue, you will always be true.
Married in yellow, ashamed of your fellow.
Married in black, you will wish yourself back.
Married in pink, your spirits will sink.

Of course, most people will think nothing of this poem, apart from the fact that each color has been coupled with a meaning that just happened to rhyme very well. We all know that there are plenty of people that have married in pinks, blues and every other color, and have enjoyed a long and happy marriage. And we certainly know that there are plenty of people that have married in white, who have not prospered quite so well.

it's all quite interesting actually. my mum said if your wedding dress is pink, it means that it's your second marriage. LOL. okaaaaaaaaay.

one for the butterflies.
aight im off to pack.

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