Monday, June 01, 2009


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, June 01, 2009 | Category: |

remember that post where i posted up a picture of me wearing this awesome dress?

yeah. fucking nice right that dress. that time i went, it was like on 40% discount. rm800 bucks liddat la. AND I JUST GOT BACK FROM THE GARDENS. btw, the main reason i went out today was to settle stuff for the upcoming party. =D and to buy my party dress. that dress confirm nobody has la. im quite sure. i asked the sales girl. she said there was only 3 pieces. and i was wearing the last one. then i asked who bought the other 2. n she was like royalty. o.O man i totally hit the jackpot! they prolly bought it at full price (rm1400) n i got it with 60% discount. niceeeeeeee. i was damn happy. i love my mum. =) oh yeah i bought more doorgifts also jz now. so make sure those of you who are invited, you better let me know before you leave. or else no doorgift. lol. and hopefully you'll leave late.

okay i gtg do some yoga now. i ate ice cream just now. NOOOOOOOOO. but it was damn good la. heh. okay ill post up old pictures later. chaooo.

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