Sunday, June 28, 2009

trip to redang totally relaxing place

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, June 28, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

god I'm just too lazy to describe everything as far as i know the beach was nice , the stars were beautiful during the night and definitely the best place to bring your girlfriend there! :D

don't you enjoy a wonderful meal in the morning , go snorkeling in the afternoon , walk on the beach in the evening , have a romantic dinner during the night with awesome performances by band and a few glasses of wine and whisky, and finally PARTY AT THE NIGHT TILL MIDNIGHT? god is totally heaven i mean i don't even want to come home! btw i went laguna resort not berjaya! ooh well they say laguna is better in rendang ;D

here some pics ;D see more in my facebook here
surfers omg awesome! I totally want to surf one day!
oo yea and i saw lots of ppl wearing mask , but oo well who cares ;D

briefing ,god this dude is funny! and gay lol

me , sis

more more inn ( where the movie summer love was filmed) they keep repeating the movie in the room tv wth.

family pic

oo well , lol

how can you go there without wine? ;D

lastly just a pic of me in the beach ;D

sorry no pics of me diving , no water proof camera !! arhhh next time ;D

r.i.p michael jackson the king of pop (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

Michael Joseph Jackson inspired me with his music even the generation now, still love him. I was in the bus on the way to the jetty and i heard from a malay radio station that he passed away. I was shocked ! i mean at such a young age? I guess the concert really giving him too much pressure that his 50 year old heart cant take it so he have to go on drugs...

his song ,heal the world make me get runner up and most special prize award for my short film competition

billy jean, make me won the best dance in 2007 anual dinner .

if wasn't him , i won't be dancing and even get inspired by his songs which give me so many ideas to make a perfect world .

this post ain't any copy paste ... because is all from my heart and my soul.

r.i.p michale jackson . The King Of Pop remain in you.. forever.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

pulau redang for 3 days of PEACE!

Posted by andrewtai | Thursday, June 25, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

alright people im off to pulau redang tmr and probably will get some pics ;D



(cool down)

ok fine nvm i will watch it next week anyway ;D



Monday, June 22, 2009


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, June 22, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments





Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cause We're Only Human

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Wednesday, June 17, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

Nicholas Liu Kai Pong made me update about my awesome-party-of-the-century-and-beyond 17th birthday party. but i'm sooooooo lazy. will only post group pictures. so damn lazy lahh.

zhi yan was the first to come over. she helped me out in the kitchen. i hate it when my mum has to make me do house work ONLY WHEN FRIENDS ARE OVER. its like, WTF MAN. like damn on purpose like that. the last time zhi yan and mabel were over, SHE MADE ME DO THE LAUNDRY. i know i sound like a brat but im not. i dont mind doing housework. JUST NOT WHEN MY FRIENDS ARE OVER LAA. damn fuck up wan. its like you wanna ENJOY when your friends are over, but your mum just keeps throwing work at you. and its not like your friends come over EVERYDAY right? i find it really stupid.

rekha and amanda came over after awhile to practice for the performance. and fyi they rocked at it. so proud of them. =D after me and zhi were done down stairs we went up to stone for awhile while watching amarekha practice. and then i bathed first. amanda next and then zhi. rekha attempted at doing my make up for me but i didnt like it. so i tried to do it myself. i sucked. badly. they were like "dont try to make it so pro looking, cuz you'll jz make it worse." so after i cleansed and moisturise my face TWICE, i went simple the third time. and it wasnt too bad. maybe now ill start doing my own make up. if i have any non school functions or whatsoevers. definitely gonna get it done by pros for graduation and prom. cant screw up my make up on important school events. especially when everyone will be looking and judging. i think.

chun fai and joshua were the first few who came. sorry i couldnt entertain you guys! gahh. i feel so bad. anyway they got me choc, a teddy bear, and a big helium balloon. its still in my room. its so nice and pretty. ill jz leave it there until it.. i dont think its gonna deflate unless someone pokes it la. then li zhen came. she was so floral! then terence came. actually im not sure if terence or li zhen came first. forgot. terence totally DID NOT follow the theme. pffffft. summer love la. why you come in black. i think it was a slipknot tee. either that or some other metal band tee. even anir and ashwin didnt come in black. HECK, samuel came in PEACH! ahahha. i made samuel NOT wear black. then we went down to eat. but the food weren't ready yet.

people started coming after awhile. i was running around taking photos. hahaha. damn syok sendiri la. after everyone was almost done with dinner, there were performances. first up was ka hui, ryan and denise. they performed love story by taylor swift. awesome. then it was jonathan chew, neal and nigel edwin. DUH, OBVIOUSLY THEY WERE AWESOME. jon has a sexy voice. HAHA. and i still cant tell neal and nigel apart. lastly were my bffs, amarekha. i remember samuel was saying sth abt chinese and indians. very normal for him. after their first song. we all asked for an encore. not we all la. mainly the gang and a few other sriklians. then amarekha got anir n ashwin to perform fix you together. they performed it at charity dinner. super awesome as well.

after that i got those wearing BLACK to get onto the dancefloor (aka patio) first. ahaha. i didnt know they would be so sporting. they actually walked up to the dancefloor volunteerily. except a few la. then i started pulling everyone up on the dancefloor. super fun la. but the dj was damn crappy. DAMN KAO FUCKING CRAPPY. jz asked everyone who went. he played stupid music that were such turn offs! seriously. its like suddenly he was playing LOW, and then he suddenly switched to some shitty song then none of us heard before. piece of shit. then obviously i kept telling him to switch songs. AND OMG THE SONG CHOICES WERE SHIT. wtf man. damn shitty. seriously. ughhh. if it werent for the loud music, id totally regret hiring him. asshole.

then it was the cutting cake n birthday song singing part. bla bla bla. i took group pictures with most of the people, except those who left early. bla bla bla. then it started getting boring. and everyone started leaving. yeah. faris was the 2nd last to leave. last was of course, rekha and her brother. faris and rekha watched me open a few of the presents. then when faris left rekha stayed till i opened all of em. she left ard 12.30? bffs la. haha. p/s: rekha, thanks for always being there. through my ups and downs and all the crap that i have to go through. thanks for staying true to this friendship and you should know that i appreciate it a lot. xo.

group picture.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

White Wedding

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Thursday, June 11, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

so i passed my undang today. 45/50 weihhh. not bad righttt? damn thankful i passed. was super nervous. hands all sweaty and everything.

aaaaaand, ka hui passed HIS undang yesterday. congrats ka hui! yes i know, you beat me. ka hui got 47/50. whatever la. bottom line : we PASSED. its like a big ass burden has been lifted off me.

i said big ass burden, but i didnt say there wasnt more. GUESS WHAT? i have my grade7 piano practical exam tomorrow. AND GUESS WHAT? i have to wake up at 6.30am. GUESS WHAT? im going to Singapore after the exam. that's if i manage to renew my passport tmr morning. GUESS WHAT? im going to the kastam bla bla bla place to renew my passport tmr. GUESS WHAT? im super damn nervous for tmr's exam. ughh. at leaaaaaaast after the holidays i can like fully concentrate on IGCSE. sounds good right? WELL ITS NOT.

anyway today was damn hectic. OH AND GUESS WHAT? i havent packed for Singapore yet. -.-" later la. blog first. okay anyway yeah today was freaking hectic. woke up, ate, went for undang, went to bangsar for english tuition, went to mum's physio (she hurt her back), went to change dad's car's tyres, ate bak kut teh while waiting, came back, had chem tuition, bathed, practiced piano, and now here.

so i guess you might still be wondering about the post title. well, when i was in bangsar today, we passed by all this bridal shops and all. they like clumped together in a group. so everywhere you turn there was a bridal shop. and then i started wondering, WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE TO HAVE WHITE WEDDINGS? and i googled it.


Women Haven't Always Been Marrying in White

In fact, in the grand scheme of things, the tradition isn't even all that old. The white wedding dress of today is deep-seated tradition, and for many is worn to signify virtue as well as uphold tradition. Millions - in fact billions - of women all over the world start thinking about the perfect white wedding gown before they have even found the perfect partner.

Britain is a place that is rife with traditions and legends, so it is little wonder that the tradition of the white wedding dress was started by the English Monarchy. It was the wedding of Queen Victoria that spawned the interest and popularity of white wedding dresses as we know them today.

Queen Victoria married Albert of Saxe in 1840, and wore what would then have been considered a flamboyant white gown. Of course, this did not start the tradition immediately; however, many women saw this as a statement of class and style, and copied the Queen by also getting married in white.

The white wedding dress in those days had nothing to do with being virtuous - it was all about wealth. Getting married in a white, extravagant gown was a sign that you could afford to buy a dress that you would never be able to wear again because of its style and color (whites were not easy to clean in those days as they are today!).

Of course, women still continued to be married in various colors and styles of dress - it was only the vain and the wealthy that insisted on white to follow in the footsteps of the wealthy Monarch. However, during Edwardian times, the white wedding dress once more soared to new heights of popularity, as Coco Chanel unveiled its new knee-length white wedding dress, complete with extravagant train.

Even so, with the depression that followed World War I and the approach of World War II, many women continued to make do with whatever type of dress they could afford, and this went on for decades. Some women would marry in simple white dresses, which could then be dyed and used as an everyday dress. Again, it was only the fabulously wealthy that could really afford to splurge on an elaborate gown.

However, from the 1950s onwards, as the world watched Hollywood stars, royalty and members of high society get wed in stunning white gowns, the tradition of white became signed and sealed.

Wedding Dresses of Different colors: A Bit of Folklore

As with many other things in life, there is much folklore and legend surrounding the various other colors that brides have been known to wed in. One old rhyme seems to sum up these notions:

Married in white, you have chosen all right.
Married in green, ashamed to be seen.
Married in red, you will wish yourself dead.
Married in blue, you will always be true.
Married in yellow, ashamed of your fellow.
Married in black, you will wish yourself back.
Married in pink, your spirits will sink.

Of course, most people will think nothing of this poem, apart from the fact that each color has been coupled with a meaning that just happened to rhyme very well. We all know that there are plenty of people that have married in pinks, blues and every other color, and have enjoyed a long and happy marriage. And we certainly know that there are plenty of people that have married in white, who have not prospered quite so well.

it's all quite interesting actually. my mum said if your wedding dress is pink, it means that it's your second marriage. LOL. okaaaaaaaaay.

one for the butterflies.
aight im off to pack.

What Is "The Good Life"

Posted by andrewtai | | Category: | 0 comments

totally a meaningful video , are you living the life you want? where it ended up all the same !

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

more videos

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Tuesday, June 09, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments




Monday, June 08, 2009

Faris :"party of the century and beyond."

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, June 08, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

im so lazy to do an overall report. the title says it all. will try to post up the pictures when i get em. which is hopefully by tmr. =D

Sunday, June 07, 2009

last friday

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, June 07, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

Last Friday was our apiit smart school teachers day , a few of us turn up (Since is Friday and the last day of school) and i have to come just to perform a Spanish song with Ryan and Merv.
getting ready to perform

and here we are , kinda mess up a bit sorry guys .

later on we have some small hang out to celebrate Ryan birthday in 1u, watched terminator salvation . 5 out of 10 for me isn't really interesting to be honest .
and we went baseball , i kinda like the game !

this would be a perfect sensation for gays to play baseball

they almost got chased by security guards
and lastly we went for some dessert

that's all people , gonna post about shermaine party right of i get the pics ;D

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

i got a letter from afs for interview!

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, June 03, 2009 | Category: | 2 comments

there is dude came for a talk about student exchange program , so i was thinking "well, why not? let's give it a try! so i take my whole sunday just to fill up the student exchange program form. and wow! 2 months later a letter arrived and asked me to go for the interivew!

so, which country do you want to go? ;D

Monday, June 01, 2009


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, June 01, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

remember that post where i posted up a picture of me wearing this awesome dress?

yeah. fucking nice right that dress. that time i went, it was like on 40% discount. rm800 bucks liddat la. AND I JUST GOT BACK FROM THE GARDENS. btw, the main reason i went out today was to settle stuff for the upcoming party. =D and to buy my party dress. that dress confirm nobody has la. im quite sure. i asked the sales girl. she said there was only 3 pieces. and i was wearing the last one. then i asked who bought the other 2. n she was like royalty. o.O man i totally hit the jackpot! they prolly bought it at full price (rm1400) n i got it with 60% discount. niceeeeeeee. i was damn happy. i love my mum. =) oh yeah i bought more doorgifts also jz now. so make sure those of you who are invited, you better let me know before you leave. or else no doorgift. lol. and hopefully you'll leave late.

okay i gtg do some yoga now. i ate ice cream just now. NOOOOOOOOO. but it was damn good la. heh. okay ill post up old pictures later. chaooo.