Saturday, January 24, 2009


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Saturday, January 24, 2009 | Category: |

the holidays have started! and i need to study. i've been slacking a lot these days. A LOT.

so anyway, we had this girl discipline talk today. it was supposed to be at 9, but after 10mins(?) of lining up outside the auditorium, the teachers in charge told us that the primary kids were using it. -.- how disorganized. thank god it wasnt hot that time. so the whole lecture/talk thing was postponed to 11am(?), around there lah. so yeah we all went there to wait, at the courtyard there, with no fucking shade, and IT WAS 11AM+ DAMMIT. want us to get
skin cancer ah diu. so fucking hot. stand there for like 20bitchy minutes, or more. luckily someone came up with a brilliant idea to stand under joanne's sweater. haha. damn cooling weih.

and we took a few pictures at the last minute before someone nudged us to go stand under the shade thingy to walk into the auditorium class by class. imagine five people standing under a sweater, so absorbed in their
own under-the-sweater world that they didnt realize that all the other girls were already under the shade. plus, juniors were there. i bet they were thinking 'wtf are those 5girls doing under that sweater, they look like idiots.'

proceeding to the stupid talk. when i first stepped into the auditorium the first thing i thought was 'why the hell is it so quiet. lol.' pin drop silence weih. then mrs chong started with her syok-sendiri talk.

1. must wear school socks, and must pull them high high to cover the ankles. wtf

2. orange uniform with bands cannot be pulled down to the hips, must stay at the waist. (speaking of clothing, she wore this red and black spotted erm, outfit that was absolutely hideous, no offence, but someone said it made her look like a freaking ladybug and i totally agreed. haha.)

3. no bracelets, anklets bla bla bla. if u wanna wear religious stuff, MUST ASK YOUR PARENTS TO WRITE A LETTER SAYING YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT. they're trying to kill the environment by asking us to waste paper on stupid letters for dumb permissions.

4. only black or white colours hairbands are allowed. then someone asked about blue and she said 'there are so many different shades of blue, therefore the board chose to exclude it.' like wtf, so what if it's different shades of blue. if its blue, ITS BLUE LAH. what's their problem, seriously.

5. hair n all must be pinned up n tidy. that one ok la, understandable.

6. when wearing the white uniform, must button up top button and the tie has to be pulled up at all times. i dont see her wearing a freaking tie to school. -.-

7. baju kurung sleeves cannot be folded.

8. black shoes must be WHOLLY black, means no white logo or white spots or wtvr. spray paint it black if there are and white stuff on it. like wtf. what difference does it make!! if its black, ITS BLACK LA. so what if nike/adidas/sketchers like their logo to be non-black. at least 98% of the shoe is black in colour right. -.- i dont see the point in this. thank god im only in for one last year.

9. contacts cannot be coloured. OMG MAN. i can say my GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDMA had blue eyes right. so what if we like to have coloured contacts. SO WHAAAAAT. we like our eyes to be colourful. just because theyre too old to wear coloured contacts doesnt mean they have to stop us right. -.- last time oso they said our plastic framed spectacles has to be only black coloured. other colours are not allowed. OMG MAN. ITS LIKE, THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. GET A LIFE. seriously. soon, they'll be making this rule saying "ALL BRACES RUBBERBANDS HAVE TO BE TRANSPARENT AND NOT COLOURFUL" mahai. they might as well make sri kl shoes, hairbands, contacts, spectacles, sweaters, so that it can all freaking match with our orange uniforms and grey/black socks. OR HOW ABOUT, SRI KL SCHOOL BAGS. AND FILES. AND PENCILS. -.- i kesian the juniors. one last year for us f5s.

10. our skirts cannot be too short(okay la this one) and we cant wear it at the hip. must wear at the waist. like, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE. we still see a girl and think 'oh ok she's wearing a fugly orange polo shirt with blue collars and a hideous green skirt with SCHOOL SOCKS and black shoes.' -.- sighhh. they're running out of useless rules to make us oblige to.

11. dont let guys get to0 touchy. ok this one understandable la.

i think that's all already lah. i checked my body from head to toe to see what else i've missed and so far i cant think of anything. now, to the reason behind the entry title.

during the whole talk thingy, we (madeline, kellie, me, joanne n amanda) actually counted how many times mrs chong said the phrase 'you find'. joon jern and samuel always come into class after literature saying 'you find bla bla bla and you find bla bla bla.' and we werent the only ones who counted, mind you.

total number of 'you find' phrases : 130
total time observation was carried out : 40mins

conclusion : holy shit. amanda/joanne (i forgot who said) she should be given like a guiness record for it. haha.

happy chinese new year! and to those i see often, see you next year! haha.

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