Monday, January 19, 2009

prepare to meeeeeeeeeet...

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, January 19, 2009 | Category: |

SHER-MAINE the retard / sher-maine the RETARD / shertard.

pictures courtesy of : -

no, my nose wasnt bleeding, and that wasnt nose shit or chocolate or whatever that it looks like. its a fork. in my mouth. =D

sighhhh. didn't get the post lah. zue yi rampas from me. but i think she rocks at being vice. =D but i did get secretary. was like, one post lower, but still top3 la. im still happy. =D

2009 red house committee
capt : faris (wants to wear an xs house shirt. haha)
vice capt : zue yi
secretary : sher-maine
asst secretary : hwee wen
treasurer : pearly
boys athletics : imran
girls athletics : madeline
(wah damn lazy to continue la)
boys football/futsal : ashwin
girls futsal : lay pin
march past : joon hoe
cheerleading : kellie
asst cheerleading : ariel
boys basketball : lam shein
girls basketball : q penn
boys swimming : yuan qi
girls swimming : jessica
arts and deco : farah, kellie and joon hoe
tug of war : dhani
volleyball boys : yap liang (obviously)
volleyball girls : pearly (obviously)
netball : hwee wen ( OBVIOUSLY)

i think that's it already lah. oh and i think i wanna join tug-of-war this year since i cant run and am practically cacat. god hates me weih. last year also before sports day injured. i hate my life. ugh. so anyway, im strong. i hav arm muscles. not the huge bulky ones la. but i hav. just hav to flex to see it. =p no joke weih. HAHA. no serious. i got. how, you wonder? yoga. you wouldnt want me to get started on the goodness of yoga weih.

and im happy that rekha and adriz came up with the idea to go around campaigning. HAHA. man, seriously. it was daaaaaaaamn alot of fun i tell yoou. last year of high school and look what us retards end up doing to humiliate ourselves in front of all the juniors. HAHA. (to rekha and adriz : I WILL NEVER FORGET 2009 SPORTS HOUSE ELECTION DAY dated 14/01/09) oh and if you were wondering, we weren't the only ones who campaigned. yee sam went around with steffi and the other houses wrote a list of who they wanted to be in the committee and asked everyone to vote vote vote! super fun this year. i hope the juniors would give us committee members full cooperation and work together to achieve success and glory and bla bla bla. translation : you better do what we tell you to do so we can win. HAHA. okay not so mean la, but seriously, to all house members out there : the power is in your hands. no that's too cliche. i think ill just stick to the mean quote. sounds better.

now this is freaking ironic. haha! it was my idea to take this shot. memang la. haha.

well at least i wasnt the one who bought the sticker. guess who? *hint* she's my retarded bff. LOL.

oh yeah and last friday after i left school, i went for physiotherapy. MY LEG REALLY IS CACAT.

see first what they did was they put that blue cold gel thing to my feet then they did the ultrasound thing to heal the tissue inside. then they wrapped my leg with what i think was liquid nitrogen. cuz it was really cold and there's no way the ice bag contained ice cause there wasnt any condensation on the outside. after the cold bag i had to stand on my left foot on the trampoline for balancing. then some other thing. then my mum paid 60bucks n i left.

hopefully i can go again tmr. i need to go for physio 2-3times a week. but i still dont think i can make it for sports day or volleyball. ugh. ill try my best though. i really wanna play volleyball this year. i want i want i want!!! ill convince my parents that i dont have to jump/run while playing vball and if they still dont let i plan to fake their signature and play illegally, i think. okay, not a good idea since we will nvr be able to rush back before school ends. screw this. plus vball mssd is RIGHT BEFORE sports day. oh, GOD ABSOLUTELY LOVES ME.

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