Wednesday, January 28, 2009

chineese new year hari kedua!

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, January 28, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

just went back to my grandma house again chit chat with cousins ,play cards. here some pic

my little cousin

actually thats the only pic, you know boys like me don't really take my phone and take pics .Is kinda weird you know ;D

later on well ;/ we went all the way to klia to send lyn off with HER boy punya friends.. haha i thought we were the only one

i personally think this pic is awesome... taken by ME ;D btw is hao and winnie
is like we are going travel somewhere together, is gonna happen btw .. after spm!

cool huh? in the airport ;D
and winnie was like "OMG ! can't believe u taking that
im like 'wth?' lol

;D i know i know.. you mind thinking why is he taking pics like he never went to the airport before... i just found out cool ;D 


whole gang
lastly, just us ;D the best friend

later on we went mcd in KLIA and winnie mum came along and talk about the world now. Working life ain't easy now, too many compatibles . gosh , i have to be more mature by now and might stop using the comp untill spmr over? NAH! ;D but i will try.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

so long , farewell we might been again ;)

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, January 27, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

  today my dearest best friend/ sis is going to australia to continue her studies , and all I can do is wish her all the best . It might be a difficult thing to do when you have to leave your family and friends behind just to achieve something . But you will get used to it ;) . Life moves on, and hopefully we grow and move along with life.

i just grab from her blog haha!

I wish you a very much success in the coming year. I hope our paths cross again, but if they do not... please know that you've been a wonderful part of my life. Thank you.

May your journey be blessed.


The wind will guide you
The sun will warm you
The moon will energize you
The water will cleanse you

Your heart will keep you
Your mind will lead you
Your soul will lift you
Your body will show you

Friends will teach you
Family will support you
Leaders will inspire you
Children will admire you

Your words will enlighten
Your actions will speak
Your kindness will show
Your knowledge will grow

The wind will guide you
The sun will warm you
The moon will energize you
The water will cleanse you

The Universe will shelter you

bye sis

Monday, January 26, 2009

first day of chineeese NEW YEAR AND WTH TITANIC? lol :D

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, January 26, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

ok today i woke up quite late cuz we went back late from grandma house and we have to go there today again.. actually is all in the same day. We went back today go there today lol :D 

 we ended up going to my grandma house again at like 3 pm and here some pics
teddy bear : what the heck is his problem? 

we do the usual thing u know just like every year ;D and guess what? WE WATCH TITANIC in astro every year during chinese new year!

astro what's your problem? why put such a sad movie during chinese new year all the time!!! 

and i just realize that the most sadest part is where they play the song in the movie 'ocean of memories'

that song is the song that freaking make ppl cry and it go well with the scene ;D

that's all people.. funny titanic youtube vid by our malaysian !

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kung Hei Fat Choy! 26th January 2009 will bring in the Year of the Ox!

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, January 25, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

What Is Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year is the most important of the Chinese holidays, and is a time of feasting with the family, celebration, fireworks,  and gift-giving. It is a 15-day holiday, beginning on the first day of a new moon and ending with the full moon on the day of the Lantern Festival.

The Chinese calendar is based on the lunar year, so the date of Chinese New Year changes every year. The Chinese calendar follows a 12-year pattern with each year named after an animal. There are various stories which explain this. The simplest is that Buddha (or the Jade Emperor) invited all of the animals to join him for a New Year celebration, but only 12 animals turned up. To reward the animals that did come, Buddha named a year after each of them in the order that they arrived, starting with the Rat, followed by the Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. (Find another version of the story to print, below)

Depending on the year you are born, you are believed to have the various character traits of that year's animal.

ok back to my daily thingy


ok after school went jem house

check out his cute dog.. WITH GREEN EYES! nah actually is just my phone camera haha

cute isnt it?

im just too lazy to post , btw i want ang pau!  thats all people!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

mabel long

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Saturday, January 24, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

oh shit, im one day late. but better late than never right?

aka anti-cincau person

love youuuuu.

( see i dedicate one whole post for you eventho i couldve squished it into the other post =D even the title is your name! )


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | | Category: | 0 comments

the holidays have started! and i need to study. i've been slacking a lot these days. A LOT.

so anyway, we had this girl discipline talk today. it was supposed to be at 9, but after 10mins(?) of lining up outside the auditorium, the teachers in charge told us that the primary kids were using it. -.- how disorganized. thank god it wasnt hot that time. so the whole lecture/talk thing was postponed to 11am(?), around there lah. so yeah we all went there to wait, at the courtyard there, with no fucking shade, and IT WAS 11AM+ DAMMIT. want us to get
skin cancer ah diu. so fucking hot. stand there for like 20bitchy minutes, or more. luckily someone came up with a brilliant idea to stand under joanne's sweater. haha. damn cooling weih.

and we took a few pictures at the last minute before someone nudged us to go stand under the shade thingy to walk into the auditorium class by class. imagine five people standing under a sweater, so absorbed in their
own under-the-sweater world that they didnt realize that all the other girls were already under the shade. plus, juniors were there. i bet they were thinking 'wtf are those 5girls doing under that sweater, they look like idiots.'

proceeding to the stupid talk. when i first stepped into the auditorium the first thing i thought was 'why the hell is it so quiet. lol.' pin drop silence weih. then mrs chong started with her syok-sendiri talk.

1. must wear school socks, and must pull them high high to cover the ankles. wtf

2. orange uniform with bands cannot be pulled down to the hips, must stay at the waist. (speaking of clothing, she wore this red and black spotted erm, outfit that was absolutely hideous, no offence, but someone said it made her look like a freaking ladybug and i totally agreed. haha.)

3. no bracelets, anklets bla bla bla. if u wanna wear religious stuff, MUST ASK YOUR PARENTS TO WRITE A LETTER SAYING YOU HAVE TO WEAR IT. they're trying to kill the environment by asking us to waste paper on stupid letters for dumb permissions.

4. only black or white colours hairbands are allowed. then someone asked about blue and she said 'there are so many different shades of blue, therefore the board chose to exclude it.' like wtf, so what if it's different shades of blue. if its blue, ITS BLUE LAH. what's their problem, seriously.

5. hair n all must be pinned up n tidy. that one ok la, understandable.

6. when wearing the white uniform, must button up top button and the tie has to be pulled up at all times. i dont see her wearing a freaking tie to school. -.-

7. baju kurung sleeves cannot be folded.

8. black shoes must be WHOLLY black, means no white logo or white spots or wtvr. spray paint it black if there are and white stuff on it. like wtf. what difference does it make!! if its black, ITS BLACK LA. so what if nike/adidas/sketchers like their logo to be non-black. at least 98% of the shoe is black in colour right. -.- i dont see the point in this. thank god im only in for one last year.

9. contacts cannot be coloured. OMG MAN. i can say my GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDMA had blue eyes right. so what if we like to have coloured contacts. SO WHAAAAAT. we like our eyes to be colourful. just because theyre too old to wear coloured contacts doesnt mean they have to stop us right. -.- last time oso they said our plastic framed spectacles has to be only black coloured. other colours are not allowed. OMG MAN. ITS LIKE, THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO COMPLAIN ABOUT. GET A LIFE. seriously. soon, they'll be making this rule saying "ALL BRACES RUBBERBANDS HAVE TO BE TRANSPARENT AND NOT COLOURFUL" mahai. they might as well make sri kl shoes, hairbands, contacts, spectacles, sweaters, so that it can all freaking match with our orange uniforms and grey/black socks. OR HOW ABOUT, SRI KL SCHOOL BAGS. AND FILES. AND PENCILS. -.- i kesian the juniors. one last year for us f5s.

10. our skirts cannot be too short(okay la this one) and we cant wear it at the hip. must wear at the waist. like, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE. we still see a girl and think 'oh ok she's wearing a fugly orange polo shirt with blue collars and a hideous green skirt with SCHOOL SOCKS and black shoes.' -.- sighhh. they're running out of useless rules to make us oblige to.

11. dont let guys get to0 touchy. ok this one understandable la.

i think that's all already lah. i checked my body from head to toe to see what else i've missed and so far i cant think of anything. now, to the reason behind the entry title.

during the whole talk thingy, we (madeline, kellie, me, joanne n amanda) actually counted how many times mrs chong said the phrase 'you find'. joon jern and samuel always come into class after literature saying 'you find bla bla bla and you find bla bla bla.' and we werent the only ones who counted, mind you.

total number of 'you find' phrases : 130
total time observation was carried out : 40mins

conclusion : holy shit. amanda/joanne (i forgot who said) she should be given like a guiness record for it. haha.

happy chinese new year! and to those i see often, see you next year! haha.

Monday, January 19, 2009

prepare to meeeeeeeeeet...

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, January 19, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

SHER-MAINE the retard / sher-maine the RETARD / shertard.

pictures courtesy of : -

no, my nose wasnt bleeding, and that wasnt nose shit or chocolate or whatever that it looks like. its a fork. in my mouth. =D

sighhhh. didn't get the post lah. zue yi rampas from me. but i think she rocks at being vice. =D but i did get secretary. was like, one post lower, but still top3 la. im still happy. =D

2009 red house committee
capt : faris (wants to wear an xs house shirt. haha)
vice capt : zue yi
secretary : sher-maine
asst secretary : hwee wen
treasurer : pearly
boys athletics : imran
girls athletics : madeline
(wah damn lazy to continue la)
boys football/futsal : ashwin
girls futsal : lay pin
march past : joon hoe
cheerleading : kellie
asst cheerleading : ariel
boys basketball : lam shein
girls basketball : q penn
boys swimming : yuan qi
girls swimming : jessica
arts and deco : farah, kellie and joon hoe
tug of war : dhani
volleyball boys : yap liang (obviously)
volleyball girls : pearly (obviously)
netball : hwee wen ( OBVIOUSLY)

i think that's it already lah. oh and i think i wanna join tug-of-war this year since i cant run and am practically cacat. god hates me weih. last year also before sports day injured. i hate my life. ugh. so anyway, im strong. i hav arm muscles. not the huge bulky ones la. but i hav. just hav to flex to see it. =p no joke weih. HAHA. no serious. i got. how, you wonder? yoga. you wouldnt want me to get started on the goodness of yoga weih.

and im happy that rekha and adriz came up with the idea to go around campaigning. HAHA. man, seriously. it was daaaaaaaamn alot of fun i tell yoou. last year of high school and look what us retards end up doing to humiliate ourselves in front of all the juniors. HAHA. (to rekha and adriz : I WILL NEVER FORGET 2009 SPORTS HOUSE ELECTION DAY dated 14/01/09) oh and if you were wondering, we weren't the only ones who campaigned. yee sam went around with steffi and the other houses wrote a list of who they wanted to be in the committee and asked everyone to vote vote vote! super fun this year. i hope the juniors would give us committee members full cooperation and work together to achieve success and glory and bla bla bla. translation : you better do what we tell you to do so we can win. HAHA. okay not so mean la, but seriously, to all house members out there : the power is in your hands. no that's too cliche. i think ill just stick to the mean quote. sounds better.

now this is freaking ironic. haha! it was my idea to take this shot. memang la. haha.

well at least i wasnt the one who bought the sticker. guess who? *hint* she's my retarded bff. LOL.

oh yeah and last friday after i left school, i went for physiotherapy. MY LEG REALLY IS CACAT.

see first what they did was they put that blue cold gel thing to my feet then they did the ultrasound thing to heal the tissue inside. then they wrapped my leg with what i think was liquid nitrogen. cuz it was really cold and there's no way the ice bag contained ice cause there wasnt any condensation on the outside. after the cold bag i had to stand on my left foot on the trampoline for balancing. then some other thing. then my mum paid 60bucks n i left.

hopefully i can go again tmr. i need to go for physio 2-3times a week. but i still dont think i can make it for sports day or volleyball. ugh. ill try my best though. i really wanna play volleyball this year. i want i want i want!!! ill convince my parents that i dont have to jump/run while playing vball and if they still dont let i plan to fake their signature and play illegally, i think. okay, not a good idea since we will nvr be able to rush back before school ends. screw this. plus vball mssd is RIGHT BEFORE sports day. oh, GOD ABSOLUTELY LOVES ME.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

rihanna coming to malaysia ! so is jason mraz i think

Posted by andrewtai | Sunday, January 18, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments


after school went pyramid . This outing was plan by horng for din and rhys and yet end up 2 of them never turn up lol. so yea we end up went for ice skating , never been skating for years! i still remember my old times where i skate with ice hockey skates. dam =( then we end up eating in pizza hut


new pizza from hut! not bad yo
me,ryan,winnie,hao (lyn went home)


went to starbuck and do my school project

afiq , me, hwa jem (history project)

okay, about rihanna

 the famous Hollywood singer

For Rihanna’s fans in Malaysia, the tickets for this concert has already been sold starting in 15 January 2009. You can buy it online through Axcess Website or call the hotline 03-7711 5000 to book your Rihanna’s concert ticket. The ticket price for Rihanna’s concert starts from RM128 up to RM328.

i bet there will be a protest dam... 

jason mraz will be here during early march ;D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

malaysia's top 10 richest men

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, January 13, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

  well today i'm gonna post up a intersting topic that i'm sure you guys didn't know or maybe don't even care to know? haha well don't worry, when is my turn to be in that list, you would realize ;D. Malaysia's top 10 richest men :

1. Robert Kuok

$5.6 billion

83. Married. 8 children.

Got start in 1949 trading rice, sugar and wheat flour. Today heads multinational Kuok Group. His Pacific Carriers Ltd. is a leading dry-bulk shipper in the Pacific basin; his Transmile Group, which transports freight by air, has landing rights in China and India. Also owns 10 Coca-Cola (nyse: KO - news people ) bottling plants in China.

p.s i did'nt know is him! someone he is related to my friend haha!

2. Ananda Krishnan

$4.6 billion

68. Divorced. 3 children.

Former oil trader's holdings include Maxis Communications, Malaysia's largest cell phone service provider; now entering Indian cell phone market with acquisition of 74% stake in Aircel Ltd. for $1.1 billion. His Tanjong Plc.'s subsidiary, Powertek Berhad, paid $300 million for three Egyptian subsidiaries of energy giant EDF in March. Also controls racetrack betting and lottery systems in Malaysia.

                                             p.s i respect this dude, the only indian in the list and owns maxis ;D

3. Teh Hong Piow

$2.1 billion

76. Married. 4 children.

Former bank clerk used profits from real estate deal to open small bank 1966. Today Public Bank second-largest lender in Malaysia, with 12,800 employees and 251 branches. Public Bank's Islamic banking products and services gaining popularity among Malaysia's Muslims. Loves photography; avid reader.

p.s owner of public bank man! rich ass dammit! 

4. Lee Shin Cheng

$2.05 billion

67. Married. 6 children.

Started out as field supervisor in plantation industry. Now heads IOI, with interests in palm oil, property development and hotels. Set up largest palm oil refinery in Europe, which recently started production. Company's stock up 70% in past year, driven by hype surrounding biofuel (gasoline or diesel mixed with palm oil to cut oil costs and pollution).

5. Quek Leng Chan

$2 billion

65. Married. 3 children.

Heads Hong Leong Group Malaysia, a conglomerate of 14 listed companies traded on various stock exchanges. Includes Asian financial services giant Guoco Group. His Hong Leong Bank has bid an estimated $460 million to buy Hong Kong's Asia Commercial Bank (other-otc: CBDP.PK - news people ); one of two finalists. His Hong Leong Group is also in talks to sell its OYL Industries Bhd., which makes air conditioners.

                                            p.s hong leong bank ;D

6. Lim Goh Tong

$1.5 billion

88. Married. 6 children.

Former public works contractor turned his idea for hilltop resort on outskirts of Malaysia's capital city, Kuala Lumpur, into one of world's most successful casino resorts; his First World Hotel now has 5,675 rooms. Retired in late 2003, handed reins to son Lim Kok Thay (ranked number 10). Wrote autobiography titled My Story.

p.s . i don't have any of his picture, or maybe i just don't want to post it up  . btw anyone knows who is him! owner of genting highlands !

7. Yeoh Tiong Lay

$1.1 billion

76. Married. 7 children.

Patriarch (otcbb: PRRH.OB - news people ) of Yeoh family heads YTL Corp., one of Malaysia's largest conglomerates, with interests in construction, utilities, hotels, property development and technology. Son Francis YTL's managing director. Company hopes to benefit from $54 billion development plan recently unveiled by the government. Related Starhill REIT listed in December.

p.s no picture from this dude also.. lol

8. Tiong Hiew King

$1.05 billion

70. Married. 3 children.

His Rimbunan Hijau Group got its start in 1975 as a timber contractor. Operations now span Malaysia, New Zealand and Africa. Maintains that his logging operations benefit local communities. In recent years his publishing house, Ming Pao Enterprises, has introduced local editions of Chinese-language daily Ming Pao in cities like San Francisco, New York, Vancouver and Toronto.

9. Syed Mokhtar AlBukhary

$1 billion

54. Married. 5 children.

Started out in "bowl of Malaysia" as rice trader. Today controls Malaysia Mining Corporation (MMC), which just announced plans to up stake in power producer Malakoff in proposed $2.6 billion deal. Also controls container port Tanjung Pelepas 

and nearby Senai Airport and has stakes in an automaker and book retailer. Contributes to Islamic schools, mosques and arts.

10. Lim Kok Thay

$440 million

54. Married.

Became chairman of Genting Group when his father, Lim Goh Tong (number 6), retired in late 2003. Has been key driver of its Star Cruises, world's third-largest cruise line (which he also runs), as well as its casino projects outside Malaysia. Now trying to enter Macau and Singapore gaming markets; reportedly partnering with Universal in Singapore bid to gain edge over U.S. rivals. Listed Genting Group's international arm in Singapore in December.

                                            p.s his son 

now you guys must be surprise isn't it? for some reason i just realise that chineses are the richest in malaysia haha!

btw i got the information from forbes

Monday, January 12, 2009

save you - simple plan

Posted by andrewtai | Monday, January 12, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

school school school, getting more stress then i expected, with bunch of over rated homeworks. but whatever izzit is for my own good ! ;D  

 btw simple plan just release their new music video from their song from the newest album ,save you. which you guys should take a look, really nice song. sp rock ! ;D

What originally inspired this song was Pierre's brother's battle with cancer. About 3 years ago, Jay was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphatic cancer. After 2 years of extremely difficult chemotherapy treatments, he learned that the cancer was gone for now and that he was in remission. After being told he had a 50-50 chance to come out of this alive, he had won his battle. 

Because this happened to someone so close to them, they felt that, as a band, they had to do something to help.  They had to get involved and use their voice to make a difference in the fight against cancer. 

They wanted this video to tell his story and the ones of all cancer survivors. They want to show how strong people can be when facing adversity and hardship and how resilient the human mind and body can be. They wanted to relay a message of hope, survival and courage. 

here is the video.. enjoy it ;D

how can you help them? by making a donation !
click here !

Just Live Your Life (ayyy ayyyyy ayyyyyyyy)

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | | Category: | 0 comments

i absolutely love that song. *ayyy ayyyyy ayyyyyyyy*

i went shopping last last week? and i saw this dress. mahai damn nice la, i want. but freaking expensive diu.

500bucks ah? after discount some more weih. T.T it's times like these i wish i was filthy rich.

this one not that chun la. but the price also around the same i think.

anyway, first day of school was, classic. HAHA. my bff joanne wore her cousin's black nike shoes to school. she had the exact same one last year but threw it away 1stly because she wore it to batu caves and it was covered in GUANO(bat shit). but most importantly she threw it away because the platform of the shoe was half off already. so yeah like i said she wore her cousin's one. and guess what happened? EVEN BEFORE THE 1st BELL RANG, the platform came off, AGAIN. man, i have no idea why shoes hate her so much. HAHA.

what a way to start your FIRST day of school ei? HAHA.

we couldn't get cellotape. mr austin walked pass us so we decided to try our luck. and he gave us rubberbands. so that's practically how she walked around for the whole day. sad life weih. (oh joanne, if you're reading this, austin wants his rubberband back, and i don't think i saw you returning it to him yet! xD)

for physics last week mr wong showed us mercury, and he let us play with it. haha. it feels like jelly that can never tear/break/putus. i dont know what you call it. it reminds me of flubber. (that disney show. was it disney?)

mum received one freaking HUGE box of chocolate *drooooooools* it had 128 chocs inside it. yes, i counted. i couldnt believe my eyes. it was a dream-that-i-never-had come true! haha. omg im so lame. but seriously weih. DAMN ALOT. dont believe me eii? wait i show you the pictures.

denggggggg. NOW do you believe me?! its huge!! look at the 500ml bottle next to it.

i. am. so. gonna. get. fat. AHHHHHH!

comment so i know someone reads it! PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE. thank you=D