Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chelsea, Stamford Bridge

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Wednesday, December 16, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

The cinema. If I'm not mistaken, it costs like more than RM50 for a movie ticket. I KNOW RIGHT!!

Humps for 180 yards --->

I'm personally not a Chelsea fan, but it's not like I get to visit Stamford Bridge everyday right.

for all you Chelsea fans out there.

I seriously think he looks like Bryan Lim Jo-Tshen.

RIGHT? shhhhh. Don't tell him!

OKAY, till next time.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Since form1

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Friday, December 11, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

WHAT IS PROM?! *gasps*

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Wednesday, December 09, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

Leet says:
*our school damn ulu
*some *WHAT IS PROM* me
liew sher(dash)maine says:

Sorry, I just had to post this. No offence but, I feel kinda sad for those who *WHAT IS PROM*-ed Nick. Well they can't be blamed la. I mean, the school doesn't really allow these kinda activities. Kudos to Nick, for making it happen this year. Hey i helped too okay! Like, I gave him ideas and stuff. =D Hence, it'll definitely be awesome. USJ12's prom I mean.

SO, back to the post. There's really nothing much to say about my UK trip, so I'll just post some random pictures i took.

look properly, it says DR LIU.

okay I'm lazy already.

Monday, December 07, 2009

UK is cold

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, December 07, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

I'm still freaking jet lagged from my uk trip. I watched about 10 movies on my flight to uk and back from uk. Yeahh, I didn't sleep much. (500) days of summer is pretty nice, all about steve is heee-lerrr-eeee-us, the time traveller's wife is awesome.. I can't remember the others but they were all pretty good.

So while in London, I stayed at this place called Two Hyde Park Square. It sucks!! Maybe cause it was cheap. 90pounds per night. It's considered quite expensive lah, but it's like the cheapest around already. Super small service apartment, super disgusting, super dirty (maybe cause i'm kinda like a clean freak). Can't believe i didn't think of taking a picture of the place to show everyone. I didn't dare to step on the floor unless I was wearing slippers, didn't dare to sit on the couch, a few towels had like blood stains on it which was ABSOfuckingLUTELY DISGUSTING. EWW MAN, the always only replace 2 towels eventhough there were 4, the toilet was teeny weeny tiny, the cupboard was dusty (yeah i so did wiped them with wet tissue), i slept on a freaking sofabed and I had to share it with my brother ANDDD I had to wash dishes (I don't really mind lah, BUT WITHOUT RUBBER GLOVES?! detergent hurts you know). The upside was the fact that i got to watch shit loads of spongebob squarepants and H20(some show about mermaids, quite interesting watching them hold their breath in water for so long, and there's a hot guy).

omg its almost 5am already. I should get some sleep, gotta wake up at like, shit I forgot what time. Going off to Ipoh later for my uncle's wedding. Will update again with pictures and stuff. I took so many random pictures, and probably like 100pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Heeeeee.

Note to self : make a to-do list

we do not look alike :)

yours truly,

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18th Nov 09 aka first day of spm

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Wednesday, November 18, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments


so in between bm1 and bm2, me and joanne changed and went out of school for brunch. ate at pizza hut and then went for bubble tea. i think we were like the FIRST customer at pizza hut today. there was no one inside when we went there but people starting coming in around noon. tried to study, ultimate FAIL.

we caught up on lots of stuff. laughed quite a lot. especially when joanne wrote a complaint note and then left it on the table at the bubble tea shop but then the guy who joanne thinks is the nice uncle rushed out the place to tell us we left our i-think-its-called-a-coupon-card on the table. but joanne actually wrote the complaint note on it. WHY? because when we just arrived there the guy told us to wait so that he could collect money from some college girls. like, we were there first mann! we totally deserved to order first! so it was like this,

nice uncle : miss! you forgot your card!
joanne : oh i dont want it.
nice uncle : *looks at the card*

me & joanne : *quickly walk off laughing*

quite embarrassing.

see joanne, i told u u shouldve left it under the tissue box!

joanne studying at the bubble tea place. okay maybe we did study A LITTLE.

the complaint note. xD

anyway, did i tell u i left my spectacles in the toilet? yeah. when i changed to go out for brunch i took off my specs and left it next to the sink and then totally forgot abt it until i was halfway walking to pizza hut. thank god i met avisha(who was on her way back to school) on the way and she was so nice to help me check the toilet. she called me back to tell me it wasnt there and then i started to sorta panic. called kellie cause i knew she would be in school to help me ask ard. THANK YOU AVISHA AND KELLIE.

but i dont think they found my specs. when i got back to school pn paramjeet had it. apparently a f4 girl passed it to her saying that some tall f5 girl left it in the toilet. heh. so to whoever u were, THANKS!

if u browsed through my fb photos, there was one picture of me with red eyes all teary and stuff hugging a tchr, that tchr is cik zaf.

second lastly (is there even such a word?), a promo. my dad sells perodua cars and hino lorries. so, CONTACT ME AIGHT!

lastly, i wont be contact-able starting tmr till dec 5th so, feel free to study for spm. HAHA. okay, no, lame. leave a tag or sth. BYEEEEEE.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Konsert Amal Diraja

Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | Category: | 0 comments

so i went for this charity thing titled : Unforgettable, Konsert Amal Diraja on the 15th of November. All proceeds go to some alzheimers disease foundation. It was kinda boring. Like any normal orchestra thing. I personally didn't really enjoy it but some of you would. I'm lazy to elaborate so picturesssss.

the couple next to me n my bro keep telling us to shut up -.- as though we were making THAT much noise.

some guy was passing some magazine to DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj.

quite nice right? there was like 66 international musicians on stage.

after the first session everyone had to go back to this room to celebrate DYMM Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Al-Haj's birthday.


and there's the cake (that they didnt eat).

i think that's Sean Ghazi.

there are a few more videos but im gonna upload em some other time. gonna go study for bm now! so last minute right. GOOD LUCK SPMers!