Friday, December 12, 2008

a weeek of party ladies and gentlemen!

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, December 12, 2008 | Category: |

lovely sunday,
ok basically after class i went to shawn party . dam i do miss that dude, and the others.. so much fun with them. i mean they are freaking funny haha! i dont have any pics just view tze hao blog lol.

oo yea, one pic.. from calvin house after shawn's party ;D cute huh? some mix dog

unexpected wednesday,
ok wednesday was pretty weird, i mean the party. i went to someone house that i dont even freaking know? he is one holy dude man haha.btw is a christmas party so yea, not bad huge house lots of pizzaaa and here you go

a pic which is not suppose to be taken, btw thx seph for the pic ;D she just want to take the tree but i freaking BLOCK HER lol and i didnt know =/..SEE SEE greedy me eating pizza ;D. Nice xmas tree huh? haha

wonderful thursday,yes.. today ;D..
try to woke up 10 in the morning but end up throwing my p
hone to my other side of bed. woke up at 11 next thing i know im sick! but f*** it ! i dont ffk people so yea HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUN WENG. end up went for his party in sunway . SO CALL PARTY BRO. then ended up have to wait miss princess TEH O AIS . then yea go for K AGAIN! sing sing sing, here some pics ;D

i look pretty sick right? btw me, hao ,winnie,lyn,weng,ashwin?, another 1 sorry bro short term memory ;D

me and lyn
i know,pretty gay pose here

 the best pic of all ;) the red best friends ;D

the end people..


wait, holiday gonna end soon? WHAT THE HECK? 

girlsss girlsss i not done yet !

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