Monday, December 29, 2008


Posted by Liew Sher-Maine | Monday, December 29, 2008 | Category: |

fingernail painting sessions during sleepovers - sooooooo 2007, no?
baking sessions during sleepovers - soooooooooooo 2008.
2009 ah? clubbing sessions during sleepovers. haha!
camwhore sessions during sleepovers - classic!

omgwtfbbq. excuse my lame-ness-ity. (okay i feel asinine now by typing that)
but seriously, i think its uber true. dontcha think so? i mean for girls la, not guys. obviously.

random thought :
was having my period the other day, and i was like damn into the twilight saga lah. then i was wondering. dengggg, how the cullen family tahan her when she having her period. like, i mean... girls, u know la. hahaha.


i have a craving for CRAB. T.T but my parents say its not good to eat crab. cause, you know, they eat dirty stuff for a living. i remember that my primary teacher told me they eat meat off bodies of dead sea creatures. and i told my parents about it. and now, my parents are using it against me. so i cant eat crab. and its all my fault! dammit sher.


i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. i think i hav this crush on this boy. only my bffs know about it. he did this really sweet thing during vtines '07. but too bad it didnt work out la. eh quite sad actually. if i walk up and down a school looking for someone with a bouquet in my hands, and i cant find that person, id be freaking pissed off. like seriously. id bandy foul words around like nobody's business like that. but anyway its just a crush so.. its just a crush lah. infatuation. it'll wear off soon enough.


so i hope i dont get "selected" for NS. i mean some of you might like it and all but i personally hate it. i mean, the uniform is like H*LYM*TH*R*FG*D(no offense). and the toilet is just plain nasty(that's if you get shipped off to some shitty campsite la). i heard from my cousin that the campsite at sabah(or was it sarawak?) wasn't that bad. she actually enjoyed the whole handling guns experience. oh and my mum mentioned the other day that this big shot's daughter got "selected" to go for NS and her mum couriers food to her. HAHAHAHA. daddy's girl. or is it mummy's girl?


im most prolly gonna be going to melb, aus for college. anyone going there as well? figured id go to trinity instead of staying back a year to finish my grade8 piano since mum said that piano isnt all that important when compared to academics. plus if i did my pre u here id need to get 95% and above to be able to get into melb uni and there will even be a possibility that i might not be able to enter even if i got 99% since they give priority to trinity graduates and aus PRs. sigh. so im gonna go to trinity and study hard (yea right) and pray that i get 85% and above on my exam so that ill be able to get into melb uni. if not then, i think i'll cry. & i cant wait to get away from my overprotective, unreasonable, freedom-sucking parents. ugh.

and i just realized something!

was watching asian food channel just now and they have this website full of recipes for everything they cooked/baked on the show.

i feel so jakun. some of you might've even known it by now. but it's not my fault i dont watch cooking channels. but i think ive gotta start now. i cant cook for shits. i think i can fry eggs. dont know nuts about cooking rice except for the fact that you've gotta wash it a few times and then dump it all into a rice cooker and add some water. wait, is that all? haha. i tried making pasta last time. bottom line : unsuccessful. but at least i didn't burn down the kitchen or anything. my mum would slaughter me alive. or at least something close to that. but who needs to cook if you can live on raw fruits and vegetables right? i like salads. but there has to be salad dressing. otherwise it'll just taste bad. plus you'll save tons of time. you dont have to waste time cooking it or heating it up. you dont have to buy oil(which is somewhat fattening and unhealthy, unless its vegetable oil. but its still bad right?) and you dont have to touch the disgusting raw meat. albeit i just realized that you might have to deal with worms in the vege OMGWTF. anyway aside from that, all you have to do is wash the fruits and vege and slice them up and leave them in the fridge to chill. and just pour some salad dressing whenever you wanna eat it. easy right? who needs to learn how to cook. eat raw food and live a healthier, longer life. hah! i mean of course you have to wash all the vege and fruits with vege wash so that it'll be clean and dirt-free. =D

talking about online recipes reminds me about...

ART ATTACK! i remember how that british guy will work his magic on the show and then he'll tell us that we can get the art "recipe" on the website. and then there's that grey rubberish head called 'HEAD'. right? he's called 'head' right? or was it 'THE head'? haha. and and and there was one time he used MONEY to make a picture, wait let me rephrase that, to make a BLOODY HUGE picture of queen elizabeth.

okay and i know its totally not related whatsoever but..

queen elizabeth reminds me about 'THE PARENT TRAP'! why ah. i think its cause there was this part where the twins had like two halves of a picture of their divorced parents. and the picture showed that their parents were on a boat ah? and the boat was named elizabeth sth? duno la, cant remember. -.- but the parent trap was a good show. kudos to lindsay lohan.

oh damn, its 1.53 am already. i think i better go sleep now. till next time, when i'd either post a really long post with my random thoughts or a post with just pictures. anyway i hope someone actually reads this. please spit some words into the sad, oh so sad, chatterbox on your left so that i know someone actually reads the blog. thank you! oh and say sth like "lame/funny/retarded/lame post sher-maine!" so i know you're actually reading my post and not just ka hui's posts. thank you, again. *scribbled by liew sher-maine* (i know ka hui has that thingy thing under every post but i was just thinking about it hence im typing it out anyway. random thoughts right? haha. )

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