Tuesday, March 21, 2006

ok today...

Posted by andrewtai | Tuesday, March 21, 2006 | Category: |

dam.. do u guys just hate your father? or maybe u can tell how are thier? very serious type?
welll.. i can tell u mine.... he is 1 very serious person...... THAT WHAT I HATE ABOUT HIM!!
is hard to talk to him... he make me scare when i talk to him.... and he EXPECT ME TO STUDY EVERY SINGLE HR!!! welll where my freedom??? i want to play com too..... not even an hr of playing..... what is this!! I HATE HIM!!! he want me to be him.... BUT SORRY.. I CANT!! ......sorry to have such a useless son... =(

that all guys.. pls tell me about your father =)

Currently have 9 comments:

  1. Anonymous says:

    thats not very nice to hate yr dad u should take to negative and change to a positive thing cauze u will be stuck wit yr dad 4 like for eva and eva so bear wit it

  2. my daddy very good de...^^ always help me...my parents both also not strict la..they edi noe i sux at studies..so they cant do nething...coz i m only good in sport...studies only english geng....so they jus wan me 2 pass all my exam gao dim jor...kesian u la kahui...

  3. Anonymous says:

    Although your dad is strict and whatsoever his attitudes that you dislike, you shouldn't hate your dad for that. I used to have this kinda problems, and even sometimes I hated my dad. And now, I experienced the lost of my dad. He suddenly just left the family, and he's never ever gonna come back again. So, I've realised that we should appreciate the people around you and love them more before they're gone and never to return again. If you only realised that when they're gone, that's too late already. The regrets will hunt you forever in your entire life. You don't know when they're gonna leave you (not cursing ). So, If you really have problems communicating with your dad, try to tell your mom and ask her to help you out. Or even try talking to your dad, please him. Conclusion: Appreciate the people around you. And please, don't hate your dad.

  4. well... thx littlemissy... i try....

    and sorry to hear that from u... sorry


  5. kesian....

  6. omg...little missy><...nvmz u stil got us...fwenz...who r u ah 0.0?...

  7. little missy...i'm touched...and to be frank tears rolled from my eyes...i'm sorry...anyway who r u...sowii...god bless u...

  8. Anonymous says:

    well wat little missy said was true... it's the fact tat everyone in this world will sure at least hate their parents once.. sure got wan... but juz dun let tat feeling last forever. think about it, without ur parents, u will have no home to live, no food to eat, no skool to go to, no transport to go anywhere, and the most important for teenages these days, NO MONEY to spend to buy stuffz u.........

    and everything they do, whether u like it or not, it's for ur own good! becoz... they love you! =)

  9. thx.... but is hard to be perfect!!! no one is perfect!! i just hope my parents let me to be what i want...what i hope what i wish... everything... some freedom pls..

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