Wednesday, March 08, 2006

hurray exam over!!

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, March 08, 2006 | Category: |

still dam sad =( hope i get good result!!! my ipod will be wif me forever~!!!! weee lazy to go to school tomorrow =.="

ok hm.. today make her angry liao =.=" because of my friends ask me to sitwif her... DAM man.... now im sure she sitll very angry... hope she forgive me ler =.="

Currently have 2 comments:

  1. hiez...juz droppin by to say hiez n writtin a comment to u...hehe...accidentli sent u a mail..anyway dun read it...part of diz...anywayz...hope u still remember me...joanne ere btw...met thru ran n jeff...hope dat bringz u rememberance...anywayz...ur blog iz kinda gewd 4 startez....not bad not bad...but nid a bit more stuff...liek addin ppl'z link n addin a chat box n all...hehe...hope u get gewd resultz...n hope u wun lose ur ipod...hope u get to b wif 'her' eventhough i dunno hu dat kindli visit my bloggie...itz kindli leave a comment in my chat box...hehe...bwai bwai!!

  2. oh ya i remember u .. are u the 1 that play ranonline wif?? anyway thx for leaving a comment for me...

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