Wednesday, October 01, 2008

is 5 in the morning and why im not asleep?

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 | Category: |

crap i had the worse nightmare and now im awake.  Just freaking woke up at 5.15 and next thing i know i was so thirsty went down and get a drink and now i cant sleep thx to that nightmare which still stuck on my head.

i dont remember much , who do anyway. i will just jump to the part where i still remember. i was in class, yes in school but i dont know why im still in smk usj12 in my nightmare. after teacher went out from class i went to jeffrey and drink his orange juice on his table (im like wth) then all sudden everyone stare in front, i turn in front and saw my... grandmother..moving slowing to me so i go to her and she tell me...'im dying ka hui'. then she faint, i shouted for help asking for the ambulance and crying myself out. serious i thought is freaking real! but she is okay at least got the info from doctor ( in my nightmare lol)  btw my grandma really loves me cuz she been taking care of me since i was young so anything happen to her i could just kill myself man.

then jump to the part where

i was taking a walk because i was down about my grandma and all sudden a indian fellow following me from back, i started to jog and he freaking follow then all sudden i feel like myself slowing down alot, as in i got purge or something. he chased me up but thx god in front of me is my coach! i shouted and asked him for help and that dude run away. 

ok thats all for my story... thats all i can remember haha ! phew i should go back to sleep now ciaoz

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