Wednesday, August 09, 2006

hm.. long time no blog...haha

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, August 09, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

hahah... moslty i blog onli on exam day.. becus sien... so got exam.. sure blog 1..hahaha.. =.+' so sien.... my love life is over... wee.. single again.. enjoy my lonely and sad teenager life.. =.=".....Lol..let me see today.... normal lar... second day of exam....... all subject like shit..... exam like shit... cant believe it.. ... who cares.... im always dam unlucky.. sit beside teacher....... =.+"....hai......then that jun weng tell the whole world i copy his answer.. mahai.. when wor.... dam fake... =.="..................seriously nth to blog... just cant wait for the coming holiday... ...................hai..................... tmr last day exam.. wish me luck anyway....

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

what happen to me? 0_O..... confusing..

Posted by andrewtai | Wednesday, August 02, 2006 | Category: | 0 comments

well... long time no blog.. haha.. .sad.. case.... ^^ anyway i iwll start blogging.... let's see

hai... i been acting weird these days... after AND 1......... ...i feel.....diff... everything change.. i mean..... i dunno!!... i use to like her.. and now... maybe im not enough mature?... a kid?....... or maybe becus of her attitude or eh..... hot temper?... i dunno >.<"...... love is confusing ... reali.. kinda....anyway.....i will think real hard....... should i continue to be wif her or not?.........hai....the feelings.. like just gone... am i a play boi?.. 0_o... who knows....

anyway about today hm..... wake up late.. who cares.. infront of me is sandwitch... wooo.. never know my maid will do me 1.. ;)... then... quickly eat change..... then go to school lor.... i ready my advertisement for my oral.. haha 100 plus!! but too bad today didnt advertise... sad right...... maybe tmr.. T_T..... after school.. i go to usj 13.... so lonely... seeing her wif a gang of boys.. dun want disturb lar... then suddenly her mum fetch her.. then nvm lor... then eddie and his friend come again =.="... taught got what problem again.. end up we becoem friends again.. i think..... well.. i prefer to be in this life again... which friends.. are more important... just realise... really... hahahha ..i just know that.. friends are more importnat then gf..... becus later.. 18 aboe.. friends are hard to find already.. then .. cpl is the best time.. i dun want to waste my teenage life.. maybe this my first and last... relationship of love...... maybe another 2 3 years onli i cpl again......i dunno..... a kid like me XD..... .... love reali give alot of problems... anyway.. haha... stick to friends are the best.......^^...anyway eh....exam next week.. need study.. and so on.... .... y is life like this.. =.="