Friday, January 25, 2008

last day of school in smk usj 12 (or saturday)

Posted by andrewtai | Friday, January 25, 2008 | Category: | 0 comments

aiks... i know this is weird....i just have to blog about out of smk usj 12 man.. can u believe? yeah i guess is also part of my decision..... form 4 is so much diff compare to 1-3 .....everything changes.....friends..just...gone like that.. =/

sorry for not informing some of you out there...that i'm changing ...... i taught you guys wont even give a dam anyway =/ ... anyway i'm changing to sri apiit .... if you never heard of it.. is just near the subang old air port.....

reason i change?
then eh......maybe i not satisfied with the class i'm in now?

friday i passed the letter to puan teo and she is like.... you going already? i taught of changing your class today...but i guess is okay now -_-

dam why must she be like this

yeah kinda regret for not doing well for pmr... =/ and i won't do the same mistake again in spm -_-

well just want to give my last speech to my friends? lol XD

sebastian - sup dude... you been a very good friend to me since i was form 1.....the first day i saw u is like..who the hell is this tall guy XD....remember the time we went to pyramid....dont be surprise.. is my first time going out for a outing with my friends...and u are the 1 wif me..all the time...and slowly we change into diff classes but somehow u still my great friend in my and always.... somehow to be honest..sebastian... u could be more fun in lots of way if only you could be more talkative...anyway cya my friend..hope we meet again

caleb- hm.. when i see u...just remind me of 1 thing...happiness .... you been a very good friend to me ....u have the same interest in games like me..... and we can get along very well =/....somehow i dun hate u in anything...and hope you continue being that =D.....cya next time caleb.... as always... kh fan!! haha!(kingdom heats) dun get me wrong =/

eric- well dude...u are like the first friend i ever know in smk usj 12? yeah..sadly we been together for like only 1 year..and other then that..i guess we stop talking for a loong time.... remember the time u scratch my thumb...that scar remain there lol....and i will never forget that -_- cya around dude

tze herng - sup herng i guess if wasn't you i wont be me now...i mean u change my life when im form 1.... u intro many friends to me ..and encourage me to play basketball .... remember the time we spent when we are form 1? you always 'kena' me in many ways... i was mad of it most of the time....but when i think about it now..just make me smile =) hope to cya again man!

tze hao -sup mate...u been a very good friend to me since form 2........well the only thing i hate bout u is u like to bullshit alot lol...but i guess you are a great friend that help me in lots of way....still remember the first day of form 2.. u sit beside me... yeah....kinda weird anyway u been my best friend for like form 2?....and sadly i didnt take advise on studying... still enjoying life =/cya around man.... if can come wif me lar wth XD

shawn - well isnt shawn......the first year of school.... never like you..... second year of school..becus my dota friend.....form 3.....u been a very good friend to me also..even somehow i dont like your attitude sometimes..but overall u are 1 great friend ....u give me lots of advise...and unfortunately i listen to you most of the time are 1 hard friend to forget....gonna meet up 1 day again ya? flirting king XD

kai jin - well dude....we know each other well when we are form are a good friend to me all the time...and always will.....ppl like to make friends with you... u should be proud bout it =) cya around man......

yong keat - you ah... don't need worry man... i mean.. u stay near me LOL...but sadly can't see you in school already....maybe in tuition? well at least we have fun time together....cya around man

yen yi and her gang- eh well sadly we treat each other as some people that we don't know lol...well i still miss the old times....thx for inviting me to all the parties and everything...hope to cya again....especially yen and denise..since you guys.. kinda stay near me =D maybe we should hang out 1 time...don't you think so ? =)

well for others i didn't list out here.... you guys been a very good friend of me.....especially those who been in my class and give me advise or even teach me on my studies.....sorry but i can't list too many of you guys lol XD but for those that helped me ... it will be always in my heart... friends forever guys =) maybe i will come back to usj12 and take a look at you guys... if puan teo let XD

sadly i didn't achieve any stuff i wanted to do before leaving this school...a lot i guess .... maybe sports..example..lbt.......knowing friends from the seniors or even younger? is okay i guess...... cya once again!!!

if u guys see me pls say hi.. don't so 'lan ci ' okay XD

i gonna miss all of you guys!!!